Character head turn

asking here because I dare not in general

is there a command line that will turn off the automatic head turning of the character? it annoys me when i walk by another player, an NPC, or a mailbox and my character’s head turns. its annoying when trying to use the barber in Dorn, and when trying to take a the occasional screenshot
it also comes off as creepy when some half naked she-elf walks by and the character stares at them

Pretty sure the camera only tracks things you’re targeting. If you have action targeting or interact key enabled, this can cause you to track towards combat enemies or npcs that are nearby. If you’re tracking towards players its probably because you targeted them. Soooo… stop inspecting the half naked she-elf and your character won’t turn their head.

This cvar exists, but it didn’t seem to change any of this.

its not the camera. its the actual toon turning his head. I don’t enable the interact key unless I’m fishing

if you’ve not noticed the character’s head swiveling around when you get close to a bench, or a mailbox, you’ve not been paying attention

I misspoke. I’m used to first person games where the head is generally the camera.

Even with interact key and action targeting enabled, I could only get it to track NPCs and not the mailbox or usable widgets. It would only track players if I manually targeted them, and only from a close distance.

mine looks at mailboxes, benches, anything that is intractable, every NPC and player that walks by. toggling sticky targeting on and off dosn’t seem to change it

its just something that pesters me