"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Several things we did not expect.

I’m not really opposed to any of them at face value - but it does put me on the defensive…
It is a “slippery slope” after all given blizzard’s proven history that is the retail version of the game.

Anyway, I do not want the boost removed. I am pro-boost. It will bring new people into the game and that is a good thing for the classic project as a whole.

But I do want a select server sub-set that is fresh without boosts or cash shop conveniences… And we are making these requests in a similar capacity to how the RP community requested their RP servers - which blizzard originally said they would not spin up… However, as we all know, they did after recognizing the demand for this server-type.

These RP request forums had less overall response than current requests for fresh servers and for boost removal.
At this point the only reason I could see them ignoring the requests being made is because these servers by simplistic design may stand to earn them less revenue streams above and beyond the subscription baseline model.

My debate would be the longevity of said servers may stand to earn them longer-lasting subscriptions, increasing the baseline revenue without the bloated temporary income streams that are generated by boosts and cash shops.

Their business model has long-since driven away from longevity of sustained income. They build their content around expected surges in subscriptions, and microtransactions, and then the expected luls in subscriptions as their content grows stale.

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