Character ability buttons vanish in pvp

Warrior Heroic Leap abiity in PVP setting is being instantly replaced by Dragon Charge ability. This gives 2 active buttons for Dragons Charge and removes the HEROIC LEAP ABILITY, More Fail Programming. Great Update …

Not a bug, it was changed in the patch notes, dragon charge now replaces heroic leap and dragon charge is now available to all warriors, not just prot warriors.

So it is not fail programing, it is a failure to read.

Dragon Charge (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – You can now move slightly left and right during its effect. Cooldown increased to 45 seconds (was 20 seconds). Now available to all warrior specializations and overrides Heroic Leap


This is Warrior forums, reading of any kind is strictly forbidden will be tried as such in a jury of their peers for inciting mage propaganda.