Clan Battlehammer gathered at Contender’s Gate in Dornogal forming opposite of a war party already in progress by the infamous Ironsworn Regiment, a longtime rival of the Hammers that had recently heavily increased its presence in Khaz Algar.
Pragus glared at the line across from that of the dwarves.
“Keep formin’ up. I care nah about their numbers. They will nah run unopposed through these lands or any tha’ ‘ave been placed under th’ protection o’ Clan Battlehammer, bah th’ authority o’ King Bruenor! Stare ‘em down like th’ filth you know they are!” Pragus bellowed across the Gate, his dwarvish probably sounding to the enemy like orcish sounded to him… just plain offensive. Then, he heard such an offense coming directly at him, not from across the gate… rather directly below him and to the left as he sat on his ram. He looked down to find a blood elf demon hunter spewing orcish at him. Having not consumed a potion of tongues recently, Pragus resisted the urge to cover his ears and stared ahead stoically. He did notice that the offensive Horde presented a Blademasters tabard upon his chest. Finally, Pragus broke his stoic countenance and turned to the demon hunter, yelling, “Beh gone, Horde filth! I know of you an’ yer guild. Yeh think yeh’ll ‘ave a run a’ our caves!? Woe teh any Horde tha’ thinks they can step inteh our domain! All o’ Khaz Algar, but most SPECIFICALLY ITS CAVES, are under th’ protection o’ Clan Battlehammer, bah th’ authority o’ King Bruenor! STAY OUT! LONG LIVE CLAN BATTLEHAMMER!”
The chorus of “LONG LIVE CLAN BATTLEHAMMER!” rang out with a deafening effect, leaving all those present at the gate stunned for a moment. The Blademaster demon hunter at Pragus’ side cackled maniacally and skittered off with other Blademasters joining by his side as they approached the stairs, clearly hoping to catch the Hammers as they exited into the Isle of Dornogal.
“Stay on yer gryphons!” yelled Pragus. “Th’ waterfall cave! Our enemies our boisterous and rude! They think they can jus’ ‘ave territory tha’ beh rightfully ours bah way o’ kin. These Earthen are with th’ dwarves. Th’ ones tha’ joined the Horde beh lost souls teh us! DEFEND TH’ CAVE! FLY!”
The Hammers took to the air on their gryphons executing coordinated flight maneuvers to all land near the mouth of the waterfall cave to which Pragus referred. They charged in and took a defensive position, calling out “Long Live Clan Battlehammer!” to let any enemy within earshot know that the cave was currently under the protection of Clan Battlehammer. Seconds later a Horde hunter baring the Blademasters tabard charged into the cave, quickly gripped and grinded in the dwarven pit.
Two more waves of Blademasters charged honorably into combat but were felled, unable to gather enough Horde to join their quest to force Clan Battlehammer out of the cave. Then came the third wave… now the numbers were nearly equal and the Blademasters had a death knight in their midst to grip the unwary dwarf as had been an occurrence a few battles previous. The Hammers played it safe this time and forced their opponents around the cave and into the dwarven grinder, though this time the grinder’s motor spurred and coughed as it worked to digest the sinewy meat being fed into it at a larger quantity. After doing enough damage to the front line, the Hammers charged into the back lines and forced the Blademaster clean out of the cave mopping them up outside.
The Hammers again returned to the cave. This time stamina would be lower. The enemy would no doubt be even greater in number. This was no surprise to the dwarves of Clan Battlehammer, Longbeards having experienced this under King Bruenor and new blood knowing of it through word of mouth lore. The Hammers had long faced enemies that were forced to bring a few more legions along than originally planned to contend. The ferocity of the dwarf claims three legions per every one of other members of Azeroth. History proved and the number of Horde finally exceeded the amount that the Hammers could tolerate and they were forced to recall to Dornogal for the next battle, but only after stubbornly whittling away the might of the enemy through attrition with the long term victory always in mind. LONG LIVE CLAN BATTLEHAMMER!
(( GGs Blademasters. Please bear in mind that this is my RP response. Please feel free to present your own and know that I don’t expect our RP stories to align. Dwarves know what dwarves saw. Horde scum know what horde scum saw
Looking forward to more faceoffs of increasing intensity. The caves are ours… always. ISR, enjoyed the fun in AV afterwards. You know we love a bridge defense. LLED! ))