"Chaos-forged Dreadwing" - racial mount question

I’ll make it simple: Is the new “Chaos-forged Dreadwing” a Forsaken or Troll mount? At first it looks like a Forsaken-mount but than again, the used color palette for the armors reminds me too much on Troll-lore.

Has anyone a clue?

It’s Scourge themed. The Chaos-forged mounts are based on the Warcraft 3 factions.


It’s a compromise between forsaken and scourge themes, since scourge never used bats in W3.

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The Scourge has a few different aesthetic themes, not all of which were necessarily inherited by the Forsaken. In particular, we’re looking at the “Frostmourne/Icecrown Citadel” aesthetic, which is all about grey metal and glowing runes. The genesis of this look is basically “What if Peter Jackson’s Mordor, but cold instead of hot.” It’s the look that inspired the Jailor’s stuff in SL, whereas the Forsaken lean more towards the looks that inspired Maldraxxus.

The KotEB, on the other hand, do seem to have inherited this aesthetic to a greater extent.

Would’ve been cooler if they did an updated undead dragon imo but Blizz never does undead stuff in the store.

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Of course not, they can’t sell it in China.


No, but it’s clearly meant to be evocative of gargoyles which the scourge did use.


In vanilla, the forsaken and scourge basically shared an aesthetic. It’s the one we see in Naxx and undercity as well as the plaguelands and its basically the WC3 stuff ported into WoW. Then in Wrath, Scourge kept the vanilla stuff while also developing the ice mordor stuff.

WC3/Vanilla scourge stuff went into maldraxxus, Ice Morder went into the Maw.
Forsaken, on the other hand developed a new aesthetic of their own in Wrath. The “purple brick” frankenstein style that takes inspiration from the WC3/Vanilla scourge stuff but is distinctly seperate from it. Undercity was kind of a holdover from vanilla and I hope if they ever give us UC back they revamp it to fit the Forsakens modern style more.