Chaos Bolt transfers

Please let us transfer to Crusader strike as was promised. Forcing us to go Wild growth pve sucks after coming back from a break.

here i am unhappy that from lone wolf i cant transfer to wild growth

Wild growth is dead. If you look at the ah so many less items than crusader strike and as the population continues to fizzle you will have less and less.

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Yea I had to ditch two full bis WG-H toons a couple weeks before AQ released. Recruiting non awful players was impossible and there was no PuG’s ever, the world was dead. Swapped to CS and it made a world of difference. Blizzard really let us down saying that we would become the “PVE Mega Server” then they only allowed a couple hundred AU players to transfer over. So sad. Atleast let horde transfer CS and let alliance keep that server. I begged for it for weeks in this form and nobody gave a sh*t.