Changing action bar button order

Hello, I am trying to lay out my action bars in a 3x4 grid (so butttons correspond to layout of buttons on naga mouse). My problem is the numbers start from the bottom when I do this, so that the top row is buttons 10-11-12, next row is 7-8-9, etc. is there a way to reverse order so that 1-2-3 are the top rows?

Thanks in advance!


Set up your Keybindings

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Or go into the UI edit and flip the bar positions?

I didn’t see an option to do that, could you explain to me like I’m a 3 year old please? :slight_smile:


There is an option to change the Keybinds in the main Options menu. You can either do it with the “quick keybind” mode which lets you hover your mouse over a button and hit the key that you want to bind it to, or go into the list of action bars/buttons and assign them that way.

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( The other route: )

Esc->edit to go into the UI editor let’s you move around the position of bars. Keybindings are tied to bars, so if you move the bars around that’s an alternative to reassigning the keybindings.

If you save a custom arrangement, you can go into edit on alts and just select that custom save.

(a “3-year old” can really mess up their UI playing around as there’s a bit of an art to checking all the various pieces and pop-ups don’t overlap; I had to go back and select the default modern UI and start over after my first experiment)

Thanks Wiggly. Was hoping there was a box I could just check to reverse the way buttons are displayed, don’t want to have to rebind everything. Might just need to use an addon.

This is so stupid.
I have 2x6 for first button group, and i changed my keybindings.
I thought it would solve all the problems… until i did a Heroic SOA…
it changed the special action bar key bindings as well…
I have to press 7 instead of 1…so dumb


Yeah, changing the keybinds is not ideal, and causes a lot of conflict, when you enter a vehicle for example, the skills will also be changed (they won’t be 1, 2, 3… etc).
We need an option to chose the direction of the split bar (up or down, or right and left).


Definitely not ideal. I also use a 3x4 grid to match my Naga mouse, and I had to rebind the keys. It’s totally frustrating when you enter a vehicle. I’ll probably be reinstalling Bartender4 until Blizzard gives a better solution.


This is still a big issue. If I lay out a 6x2 bar and keybind them:

When I switch to my DPS spec which has 3x4 it is


What i really want is to tell WoW to lay out bars that start as:

As left to right then top to bottom, so the exact same settings above lay out as



Would it be possible to get a Blue response on this just to know if this is on the radar to be fixed?


here is a really good example, Is my UI just entirely hosed? I re-bound this actionbar left to right, and then changed to 2x6. It seems to be left to right, bottom to top.

All we need is to be able to change bottom to top to top to bottom, I think





I’ve tried switching from ElvUI to the default UI a few times and I’m still surprised it’s apparently impossible to configure your action bars in the way described by the OP without changing all your keybinds. Whichever orientation you pick, the keys end up in the incorrect order.

If you pick horizontal, the bars would be correct, if you could reverse the order of the rows:

0 - =
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

And if you pick vertical they’re even more messed up:

1 5 9
2 6 0
3 7 -
4 8 =

Just wanna add to this cause I’m also hoping for a solution. The bars should not go in ascending order to they keypad layout. That’s not how most players use them.

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the solution is to set the keybinds how you want them


My thoughts on this as well. What’s the issue exactly?

Why are you guys trying to change your bars around so much to begin with?

If you are having issues with the vehicle/special actions bar setting keybinds matching to your changed binds, then don’t use the first spell bar for your actions. Set your actions to any other bar 2-8 instead and leave bar 1 set with the buttons you desire for vehicle/special actions. Like, if you want the vehicle bar to be 1-2-3, then leave bar 1 as 1-2-3, then set bar 2+ to any other keys whether you use z, e, p, ctrl-w, whatever you’d prefer.

rekey bind those buttons…

If you’re using an action bar addon, the setting you are looking for is called “anchor point”. Changing this from Top Left to Bottom Left will reverse the button order.

I don’t think you can achieve this with the default UI.