Changes we want for Shamans

  • Make ascendance match whichever elemental we choose (fire ascendance for fire ele, storm ascendance for storm ele)

  • Bring back CDR for Elementals and/or ascendance. We dont want to be a 2.5/3 minute burst window class. Bring power back into our high sustain damage and give us rewarding gameplay with CDR abilities.

  • Make Icefury feel better to press. (not much to say here. it just feels bad)

  • Make our abilities require less tab targeting. Lightning rod is great but constantly tab targeting on every tempest/earthquake/earth shock gets old fast. Maybe make lightning rod auto spread to another target if we hit the same target.

  • Our cast times are way too long right now. Please adjust somehow. bringing back CDR for elementals would help (mentioned earlier) or do something else to lower our cast times.

  • Increase Deeply rooted elements proc chance from 7% to 10%. (Right now it barely ever procs, and when it does it doesnt last long enough to make a difference)