Changes to the Dracthyr Evoker, Spells and ability loss

Changes to the Dracthyr Evoker, Spells and ability loss.

After the Pandera Remix, we lost two important abilities.
What happen?

Two abilities/spells loss were firestorm spell, and there was a movement ability lost that worked like a sprint ability. What happen to these two features?

Why was the area of affect spell Firestorm removed?
Does any one have any insight on this?

Also, Why did we lose the movement ability? My Toon is Lvl 70 and on Dungeons and raids these two abilities were important in aiding in those activities. Firestorm was helpful to keep mobs in check and the movement ability above (sorry don’t remember what it was called, wish i paid more attention to it), really helped to keep up with fast moving tanks that speed thru scenarios.

Any one have any insights on these or if they will give those back to us who fell in love with the Dracthyr Evoker, race and class.

Firestorm still exists in the Devastation talent tree like it always has. If you don’t have access to Firestorm, I’d put in a ticket.

Hover? Evoker has a very specific set of mobility abilities, none of which include a “sprint”.

The spellbar of all my remix chars were completely reset and messed up.
If you are looking for hover its probably in your spell book but in the general section, since its not a evoker ability, but a dracthyr one ( i think)

Hover is an Evoker spell, just in the general class tree.

You are probably talking about the meta gem and cogwheel gem abilities (Lifestorm and Sprint[?]). Those were available to all classes but were limited to pandaria remix, which used a unique gearing system. They were not part of your class, they were on gems that you had equipped.