Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

Well after 11years I guess it’s time to hang it up. In its current state the game isn’t worth paying for 60 days. Which is why I’ve always used the 30 day option. There’s dry spells in content when you’re basically done waiting for more but now you expect me to sub for 60 days. No, don’t think I will.


It’s almost like you WANT everyone to unsub, or at least close to that amount…


Blizzard: “YoU gUyS dOn’T hAvE bAnK aCcOuNtS?!”


I have 12 days left on my current 30 days im not resubbing for 60 days screw blizzard and bobby Kotick this is his stupid idea clearly.


I smelled this horse **** coming and called it back when they price-gouged Canadians for their game time, anyone remember that? Now it’s here, in the US and apparently world-wide, only in a WORSE form…

Enjoy the $15 / month subscriptions and the WoW Tokens while they last, because those are definitely going away too, whenever they decide it’s time to pull ALL forms of purchasing for WoW that aren’t 60-day minimum…

The sky is effing falling, and maybe you didn’t hear it here first, but you sure as **** heard it by now… oh wait, it’s been doing that, over there in Icecrown too! Whaddya know…

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Wow. I was just about to buy a game time card since my sub runs out in a few days. Good thing I read this first. Now I can let my game time run out without feeling bad about it.


It’s simple, they are paid to… most – if not all – of them are the alts of blizzard employees who don’t want to be laid off in the next wave… so they show off their screens every now and then, saying things like, “Look at the nice things I posted about you on your forum!”

Literally an echo chamber at this point…

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Am I confused or do we now have to buy 60 whole days of running the same dungeons and raid over and over again to get nothing but 35 anima while new content is so far away we don’t even have a release date? I can no longer buy 30 days game time to run circles in Oribos for a couple days out the month and I now have to buy SIXTY DAYS for the privilege? Sign me up! I am so excited to give you more money :slight_smile:
<3 whips out debit card

It’s almost like they want everyone TO sub. Especially those who may forget to unsub and not keep track of the renewal date.

I don’t believe this was to reduce transaction fees at all. If that were the case they would also reduce items in the cash shop, reduce subs available to 30 days, etc. This was specifically done to change the way people pay to play the game. I think it was done to boost sub numbers. It definitely will make some who would have bought 30 days of time now sub for 30 days at least.


I could see this decision coming across a little less you know despicable if the game was like popping you know? Like if there wasn’t a single fat chicken to kill an entire arena team in one button press or if the Kyrian in Spires of Ascension that grab you by neck like a momma cat to a disrespectful kitten to carry you across didn’t yeet you off into the void.

Buying 60 days may be a tiny bit easier if we had something to look forward to. It’s the same old dungeons, same old raid, and same old bugs. No financially responsible person wants to buy 60 days of game time in the middle of a content draught with no end in sight. I’m excited for 9.1 and most other people probably are too. GIVE US SOME NEW BUGS TO BUY 60 DAYS OF GAME TIME FOR :slight_smile:


They gain more money from someone purchasing a 60 day minimum than they do a 30 day sub, it’s the new model they are gradually switching to, you can quote me on this when they do…

Foreign exchange fees have a huge impact, everyone with at least half a brain knows this… we in the USA are not their only customers… there are most likely other fees partially driving this decision, besides greed…

And they will be changing it further, towards 60 day minimums… everyone who subs for one month and cancels? They don’t like that, so they want them to sub for two months instead, at the very least…

It was done to boost profits, sub numbers just look good to investors, which brings more profits…

Again, mark my words, there will come a day where – whether it’s with game time or a sub – the minimum will be 60 days… anyone who has been paying attention to recent trends knows this…

Yes, there is a chance where I could be wrong about that prediction, and I WANT to be wrong about it…

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free economy with options lmao


Or, if they’re using stolen credit/debit cards, like they usually are, they’ll just buy the 60 days of game time, and blizzard will be out double the money they normally are when the bank charges it back due to a hack.


Change it back you greedy rats.


Im done with you tell bobby kotick to go screw himself im not paying for 60 days for a crap game that’s getting worse and worse after greedy craptavision bought you and you chased off all the founders with your greed.


You know … I feel a little bad for some of the devs on this.

I bet they don’t want it to change either. I bet this is one of those moronic things that comes “from the top”. No sensible human would agree with this and it’s too bad really.

Stop trying to optimize subscriptions to WoW as a metric. Played time or game time does not equate to fun.


My preferred method of payment has been via using tokens to create Blizzard Balance, then use that to buy multiple months at a time to get the discount.

Now I can’t do that anymore. There is no incentive for me to carry any Blizzard Balance.

I also have a second account I’ll only activate on occasion when I need a “camera” to make fan videos; it was easy to use my Blizzard Balance to buy one month when I needed it for a project. Now I have to either buy two months, or do the whole rigmarole of “sub then immediately cancel”??? Why make things more complicated?

(PSA: I have learned from personal experience, if you do that in February, you only get 28 days, not 30)

This move is terrible for people who don’t have credit cards or pay for the game via Blizzard Balance, either via gold tokens or from cards purchased at stores. The sub-cancel method doesn’t work for those who don’t have credit cards or would prefer not to use them.

So this is a move that

  • Disincentivizes maintaining a Blizzard Balance
  • Discourages gifting of game time
  • Alienates partl-time players who don’t want two months
  • Wastes the time of the people who will just use the sub-cancel method anyway
  • Discriminates against those with less access to financial institutions

Gonna repeat that last point in case someone didn’t get it:


How is this a good idea?

(edited to include gifting in the list of cons)


I am betting this is some kind of administrative cost saving thing but will end up being anything other if people do the sub and then cancel constantly business.

The reason I say this is because they were intending on charging Canadians higher prices for this type of payment as well. I am not sure what happened with that though.

First off this is ridiculous! Secondly for those saying there is no difference you are incorrect. For 90 and 180 day game time purchases you were given a reduced rate for buying more time. Also if this isn’t a big deal and there is “no difference” then why did blizzard take away the game time option and not the subscription option? It’s simple answer…they are banking on you subing, playing for a bit and then losing interest while your recurring payment guarantees they get paid regardless. I’ve only ever purchased game time in 30 days and sometime 180 day increments. I’ve made countless character services purchases over multiple accounts throughout the years. I’ve been invited to test beta once or twice, I love WoW unlike any other game before or since I started playing but as for blizzard I as a long time fan of your games I am disappointed. Blizzard won’t be ashamed ever for anything they do but don’t worry because the blind, devoted sheep like me will be plenty ashamed for you.


Instead of manipulating the pricing scheme you could just idk actually make content people want to pay for. You all need to sit down with Activision and have a serious discussion about breaking apart. Your games lack soul. That’s your problem. You’re too corporatized and out of touch. You need a visionary. You need passion. That’s what’s missing from your games. What ever happened to “It’ll come out when it’s done”? Warcraft 3 reforged never got that treatment.