Changes to Battle Pets - Untouched Since 2012

Hey all!
Wanted to share my feedback on my favorite system in the game. It’s the longest-lasting evergreen system, yet it remains virtually untouched since its introduction in 2012 - with over ten years of dormancy, I think it’s important to talk about updates!

Who are you to talk about pets and battling them?
Calm down there buster! My experience with pet battling includes owning over 1,700 pets pre-TWW; placing me top 1,000 US pet collectors and top 50 for Area-52. I have collected many of the hardest pets to get in the game, I contribute to WoWHead on guides and posts, and (yes) I battle pets. The fact is - I have spent a gross amount of time with the pet system in WoW. I am not ashamed - and if I keep saying that I can sleep easy at night.

Okay, who cares?
You should care! Pet battling in WoW is a core example of what makes the game great. Here’s why I think this:

  • It’s a completely optional system, not connected to player gearing or strength progression.
  • It connects a player to the world. As much as we now look to the skies with advanced flying; pet collecting has players looking down - noticing the small critters and wildlife in an area.
  • It provides another reward structure outside of gear, gold, and reputation.
  • It’s just good, wholesome, casual fun. Oftentimes it is legitimately challenging and is like a puzzle the player must figure out. Even if you don’t battle, many of the pets are just entertaining and… fun! The art and animation teams really show their strength in the pets they make!
  • It aids in creating player identity. Many role-players in WoW just want a small degree of escapism when playing video games. This can be as simple as being a “duck wrangler” or cat/dog owner - which is entirely possible through the pet system!
  • ((It probably makes Blizzard money, like, the store has a bunch of pets and they all cost quite a bit. I assume Blizzard likes money, money is good, yeah? Let’s make money, badda-bing-badda-boom … stock price go to moon, everyone happy? ROI??))

Okay fine, what now?
Well, here are a few upgrades that I think would help!

  • Create “double battles.” I mean, it was pretty awesome for Pokémon. Yoink? Maybe some exclusive trainers in the world insist on using two pets at a time!
  • Make more “un-cageable” pets. A crazy amount (like 70%+) of the current pets in the game can be bought on the AH. This is fine and all, but maybe more pets where people have to earn the pet is cool too. It creates more diversification between people who grind out pets vs buy them. Also - it creates a kinda’ cool backstory for having one!
  • “Shiny” pets, or pets that are not unique pet entries by collection standards but just reskins of the same pet that are hyper-rare alternatives to what exists. Also, skins may need-not be rare; but something as simple as buying a costume for a dog, or giving “Ikky” a general’s outfit… as it deserves! /salute

More advanced feedback on the system can be found here. I’ve tried to keep my suggestions separate from the great ones shown there. The article by Flip_Method and shared by WoWhead’s Anshlun is really well written and every item has me saying “OMG that’s awesome”. Check it out!

Do you realize you’ve been talking to yourself? Like, you’re asking this question…"
What are you talking about? Stick to the script, come on.

Sorry, any last thoughts?
No worries, and yes! Pet collecting & battling is a new player-friendly, well-designed, long-lasting optional progression system that entertains players across the game from role-players in Goldshire to CE raiders outside a green whirling portal. It is the most expansive “evergreen” system WoW has - and the team has shown to care about these going forward. Yet, it remains virtually untouched since its induction in 2012 (MoP). I really hope some love is given to this system in The War Within!

Okay now go read the article I mentioned above here. I swear it’s worth it, it has images! We love images.


I used to pet battle a ton. I don’t as much anymore, but I still definitely do the pet battle world quests.

I did really enjoy the celestial tournament and some of the other achievements like beating a bunch of trainers with the stuffed elephant pet.

Duo battles could be fun, although some AoE abilities like tantrum would be striking a lot more pets and be potentially overpowered.

We already have recolors of some pets, but shiny’s could be cool. It might hard to differentiate a shiny cat vs just a different colored cat. Maybe some type of aura or glow.

Edit: Oh I did have a number of people contact me about wanting to have more pet battle dungeons like the Wailing Caverns one. So I’ll throw out a suggestion for that.

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Pet battling dungeons are cool! The WoWhead article I linked suggests like even pet battling raids or a “mage-tower-like” challenge of going through them. Maybe interchange pet battles with jump puzzles and enemies to avoid, maybe (as they’re doing with delves) make the pet dungeons dynamic - underwater one week and on fire the next!

There’s a ton of good tech they’ve built since 2012 and I think we just really need -any- kind of movement on the pet-battling front. It’s been too long! Even if like two of these suggestions were taken (out of the like 30 in the Wowhead post) it would be a massive improvement.

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Pet Battling is such fun I LOVE doing the family familar achievements and figuring out how to beat them with same family pets and even have contributed a few guides on it to xu fu’s site.

It be cool if we had more interactable toys like the dinos who have the extra toy gear to equip on them.

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I am not a fan of pet dungeons personally but I am of things like family familiar type achievements to try and change up things. I like the idea of double pet battles too that is a cool idea.

I think something could be done for pvp pet battling beyond the family-achievements something like more enticing to level pets with maybe?

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Ooh this would be cool; just like how they’re doing the customizable mounts now we could have a customizable pet? Maybe much smaller scale - but modifying a toy T-rex pet to have even shorter arms sounds like a grind worth doing!

The little dino pets have items that add backpacks, etc. to them. I think it be cool to have other toys that work with other pets. But your idea is REALLY cool!

Oh you’re right! I forgot all about those toys! I think since they’re in separate interfaces I always forget that like some random toy I got applies… Maybe there’s just like a UI thing to add costumes (through toys) to pets, hmm…

After some research, it turns out many of the capturable pets in-game do actually have rare color variants; I think an easy addition to the pet battling system would just be making it more obvious that it’s a rare variant to players - or identifying this on the pet collection card in game.

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