Changes for wath

1 Make the 1st here of rading about 25-35% harder In the original wath 66 Hours All the rade content was dead.

That’s a little ridiculous even by my standards and I’m a casual player it’s going to be a complete snore fest and pebar going to get bored very quick.

I’m not saying it should be It’s so hard even the hardcore people are you know bashing their head against the wall but what I am saying is.

Is make it a bit harder so people aren’t done in the 1st day it’s in the 1st day I’m in the hardcore Guild well obviously I’m saying more on the.

average guilds That would be what I would say.

2 separate the 10 and 25 man achievements If I’m doing a 25 man I should not get the achievement for the 10 man version by default.

3 haraloom tab We have it for mounts And taverns We should have it for this Is that way boa gear is boa and not bos.

There’s no reason Not to have it.

4 separate the item levels a little better And make catch up gear Not so good OK I’m a casual player however.

If I’m doing a 25 man I should not get upgrades from 10 men of the next ter On top of that I would say when toc Comes out.

Make it so people have to choose If they are doing 25 man Oldar 10 man toc Should not give them upgrades.

On top of that the 5 man for toc I would say make the gear Is equivalent with oldar 10 not 25.

that way people Won’t have to run the same raid 4 Times a week Is to stop people from burning themselves out.

But these would be the changes I would say for classic wrath

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Sounds good to me. Naxx was originally rereleased because they wanted people to see it. Since people can now see it and they may have SoM buffed naxx fights I see no reason not to try implementing those for wotlk naxx. Would be interesting trying for immortal/undying when I don’t know the strats.

You already don’t. 10man and 25man began to share achievements in cataclysm.

Eh, heirlooms in wrath-MoP you would still use the pre-enchanted ones that you’ve already dolled up. Making a tab seems unnecesarry.

I think hard modes of 10 ulduar should outclass 25 loot from t 7 and 10 ToGC should outclass 25man normal ulduar - not hardmode. Though I can’t really remember what the ilvls were I think ICC 5mans was 245 ilvl which was 25man toc, togc was 251(?), and 10man icc was 251. So ideally 5 man and 10man normal should be knocked down a peg.

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Yeah I well again I didn’t want to get into item levels specifically because That can get really messy but the point of it was I didn’t want someone coming to the game.

And literally Get to do 2 5 men dungeons a couple of times And literally get the skip 4 tears of rating.

I wanted people have to at least play through oldar As far as the achievements I don’t know I specifically remember doing 25 man’s game the 10 man version of it maybe they changed that with the heroic versions.

But as far as the normal version I remember doing 25 man versions of rates and automatically gained the achievement for 10.

Aside from the air loomtab won’t remember one it’s supposed to be ketchup geared to help you level your alts right And quite frankly there’s just no reason on top of that remember it wasn’t actually boa it was bos So if a character was on another server or another faction.

You can mail the cough cough boa gear to them And it’s an easy fix you know what I mean there’s no reason why the air loom tap shouldn’t be in the game.

That’s what I was saying

during wolk beta: “you don’t think they’ll really release naxx with this tuning do you? this is just for testing”

they did.

Phase 1 raiding in WotLK is going to be an absolute snoozefest. Naxx 10/25 is tuned to be even easier than Kara. And everyone just got through spending 6 months in there farming the much harder vanilla version, so there’s not even going to be any nostalgia.

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Well again that’s why I said the 1st year of rating should have its difficulty increased by at least is by at least 25 to 35%

For Ilevels - 10H Ulduar dropped 226 loot and 232 weapons, equivalent to 25 man T7 normals for armor and 25 man Kel’Thuzad for weapons.

25N Ulduar dropped 226 & 232’s. 10 ToGC dropped 245’s for 4/5 bosses, and I want to say 258’s for Anub loot. 25 ToGC dropped 258’s for 4/5 bosses, and I think 271’s for Anub.

Side note - 25N ToC dropped 245 loot, was the easiest raid Blizzard ever implemented up to that point, and that loot outclassed the 239’s from 25H Ulduar. A lot of people were pissed off that something so easily puggable gave drastically better gear than the hard modes of the previous raid.

ICC 5 mans dropped 232’s.

ICC 10N dropped 251’s. 10H and 25N dropped 264’s. 25H dropped 277’s. Lich King dropped weapons 7 ilevels higher than those numbers on the respective difficulty levels.

Note that hard mode loot often had an extra socket. So 10H loot was usually better than 25N loot, even though both had the same ilevel.


Just run for the immortal then

I don’t get people.

They have hard content right now on TBC and they’re asking for nerfs and dual spec.

Then they’re asking to make WoTLK content harder… when you already have the hard modes (the immortal / undying / sarth 3 drakes, etc).

People have no idea what they’re talking about.


Except in Wotlk version you’re not taking 10 or 15 rogues/warriors so its a whole new ball game with classes/specs that didn’t get to do it in classic vanilla

/shock face


Hate to break it to you but not a lot of people actually do what you are saying they are doing.

I don’t care if the nerf TBC bosses but I do want DS. As for Wotlk, I don’t care if they buff or nerf fights cause I already did them years 10 years ago.

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It comes in Wrath, don’t worry.

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People asking for “harder content” when most of the TBC population can’t even clear t5. Just enjoy the game. Want harder content? Go for achievements, the immortal title, Sartharion with 3 drakes

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Sarth 3D is… not hard.

At least on 25 man, 10 man may differ.

I’d also say that immortal/undying aren’t really that difficult if everyone in the party actually wants to try. Generally speaking the trickiest part is recruiting people that will pay attention and try.

Personally I felt like the 5 man dungeon achievements were much more difficult.

wathful gwadiatur


Just open dungeon finder from the start and I’ll be happy. I spent a LOT of time spamming heroics in 3.3 and look forward to doing so again.

T7 needs to be buffed or shortened, and Ulduar needs more time to breathe before ToC comes out. T7 content is plenty relevant even when Ulduar is out, since it wasn’t until T9 that the game saw its design shift over to a seasonal feel.

OK one I do want dual spec but I never asked for nerf to raise my standpoint on it has always been.

new raid tear comes out Then the previous tear gets nerved really achievements Achievements are for a very select few.

Achievements are not the same thing as the rates actually being more difficult and again let me remind you when it originally came out.

His wrath of the rich king was literally cleared the entire ratio 1st rate tear was cleared within the 1st 66 hours.

That includes leveling to 80 I’m all for things being accessible but that’s too much even for my taste.

Is asking for a quality of life and asking for the game to be overall easier or too completely different things.

Nah you dont get to post that kind of misinformation.

Most people asking for dual spec are 10/10 and multiglads, including several dudes you were arguing with in that dual spec thread.

Most of your dual spec-denying compatriots are posting on level 20 alts or are 2-8/10 hardstuck 1300 players.

Not even sure why you’d bother conflating dual spec with wanting content nerfs. Dual spec doesn’t make the content even slightly easier. Just another terrible argument.