Changes Blizzard could make

It wasn’t a typo. He meant “batches” when he said it.
And content DID come out in patches, but most certainly not in batches.

We’re getting a staggered release of content. Just like in vanilla


Indeed. Suggesting that the number of patches/batches being different or the organization of content in those patches being different makes it “not authentic”…is a really weak attempt at a “gotcha.”

I think the implication was that the order of content release isn’t lining up with the vanilla timeline.

E.G. Dire Maul on release, as well as battlegrounds, ZG and BWL releasing simultaneously, etc. Vanilla content was more spread out than this.

I’ll agree that it’s nitpicking. Still valid criticism though.

Okay but you do know DM was out before MC was ever cleared right?

All that needs to be said right here folks.

Yes, but did you know that stats on a lot of gear wasn’t updated to 1.12 item values until after that?

Paladins and Moonkins don’t really need that they have nearly unlimited mana the both of them, seal of wisdom and moonkin form melee attacks regain mana back.

And that’s why I’m okay with progressive itemization.
I am okay with a frankenpatch

For the most part, so am I. I do get where the more finicky critics are coming from though.

Shrug. I think a static 1.12 is just dumb. That said I fully expect it.

i’d be more fine with it if the batches were like 1.1-1.4, 1.5-1.6, 1.7-1.9, 1.10-1.12. but it’s not, it’s 1.12 with locked content, 1.12 with some unlocked content, 1.12 with some more unlocked content, 1.12 completely unlocked.

timegating is more a retail thing, I’d prefer they just release 1.12 whole than that.

i was also suggesting that changes are authentic to vanilla, there’s 12 major patches of 'em

And most of the no changers would be happy with a frankenpatch.
Give me an old school av.
Give me pre 1.11 threat.


Again, yes, this.

Changes are fine, as long as they’re not changes from what was in original-WoW. At some point. “Nochanges” means no crap like that horrible dungeon queue, not binding the game to one specific original patch.

Great job! That sounded authentic. They will buy it.

bliz wants ‘authentic’ and then immediately announces they will take away the pvp vendors cuz they want the focus on pve gear until the pve gear is better

Sadly it seems like 1.12 is the oldest data they could find. So unless they rebuild it, it’s not happening. But…maybe they can rebuild it?

You realize that WoW launched with no honor system and no battlegrounds, right? So…doing the same in Classic is completely authentic.


Using that logic 2.01 was vanilla as it was in 2006 and before BC so everything included at that time is valid also.

The #nochanges crowd wants no changes… except the changes they want. They have polluted their own pond with the Old AV, threat adjustments blah blah.

2.01 was the BC preparation patch. If the number didn’t make it obvious, the blood elves and draenei standing around the capital cities did.

“Anything from a 1.x patch is on the table, anything not is not” is not hard to understand unless you’re invested in not understanding it.