#ChangeMyMind, Night elves should have been horde originally

Someone forgot Grom and his unaliving of Cenarius is Warcraft III.

Grom was not in charge of the Horde though, Thrall was, and if I remember correctly (haven’t done the Orc part of WC3 since before WoW was released) Thrall was not happy about that.

Thrall didn’t know about it until it was too late. Grom attacked some humans as soon as he found them and Thrall sent him to gather wood as punishment for starting a fight. By the time Thrall found out about Grom’s war with the NEs, Cenarius was already dead.

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To add to this post, here’s an article describing them being added to the game. They were always designed to be the alliances woodsy elf, and are credited as being the reason why we didnt get lotr trope-elves instead.


Here’s an excerpt:

“We wanted to make Night Elves,” longtime Warcraft artist Samwise Didier tells us at a recent Warcraft summit. “Night Elves had never been, to my knowledge, seen before, ever in fantasy. We came up with them. They’re purple skinned, they’re seven-plus feet tall, with long blue and green hair. All we really did is go, ‘what if we combined a wood elf and a dark elf?’”

Take the darkness and moon themes of D&D’s dark elves, put it with the nature reverence of Tolkien-esque wood elves, and Didier says “Boom, we had Night Elves. And then we made them purple for some reason.”

But within Blizzard, “that was a really hard sell. The world accepted Night Elves better than most members of the team did. Because people were used to the Legolas types, the elves that are your typical elves – blondish, brownish hair, while we were going blues and greens and purple. That’s radically different, but it really took was a picture to help sell that.”

The Horde made a pretty bad first impression on the Night Elves when Hellscream lead the orcs to cut down their trees and killed Cenarius. I don’t think they were going to get along any time soon, outside of the immediate Burning Legion invasion.