Change warrior hero talent names

It’s named very generic for a very generic class :joy:. But I believe there’s some lore that could be added to excite the names and abilities.

“Blessings of the Old Guard” Abilities could relate to Saurfang/Grom Hellscream for arm warriors.

“Odyns chosen” for fury warriors.

“Lions vengeance” For prot warrior abilities can relate to Anduin Lothar.

IDK what the spells look like just looking at the name looks very boring and doesn’t really tell me what spec they’re for.

Could add some flavor and nods to other iconic warrior-based characters from the Warcraft universe.

I’m not saying my suggestions are good, they could be better, and “Blessing of the Old Guard” is really wordy.

The point of this post is to give us some more flavor they’re way too generic, by the name I should know what spec it’s going to be associated with. Maybe avoid digging too far back into lore for newer players, but I feel like you learn pretty quickly who the Hellscream family is, and who Saurfang is if they’re relevant or not.

TLTRDR; Hero talents should tell me what spec it’s for at first glance!

I agree with this however I don’t think its that important since the game will probably restrict what specialization can use them.

My biggest concern for them outside of tuning/gameplay is the names being illogical for certain player races.

  1. Mountain Thane just doesn’t relate to anyone other than Dwarves and with a bit of a stretch HM-Taurens.

  2. Colossus also seems very Dwarvish due to their connection with well colossus’s, despite this Colossus still work with other races due to Avatar now being a core ability of all warriors.

  3. Slayer is the most straightforward and applicable to all race’s.

I hope they alter Mountain Thane as it doesn’t make sense for 90% of available races.


I just hope hero talent give glad back.


Replace Mountain Thane with Gladiator.


Yes. Love it.

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I think it makes sense because you’re learning this in an expansion where dwarves will be playable races for both horde and alliance.


Yeah. I imagine we might see something where every expansion (or every other expansion) we would get a new set of hero talents that sort of ties in with the lore. A bit like how a lot of covenant abilities carried over into DF after SL.

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Without a doubt the number one hero spec we need is Weapon(s) Master.


Slayer seems like an edgy emo rogue hero talents name.


Slayer is already a title for Demon Hunters. It makes no sense for warriors to use a Slayer title unless it were specific someway. Are slaying undead? Dragons? Or what? There is nothing about the Warrior class that screams Slayer. In every other game Slayers are usually inquisitors, which makes it more sense that Paladin would Get Undead Slayer or something along that line.

Weapon Master is easily the coolest and most thematic choice to me.


The only other game with slayer as a class that immediately comes to mind is Tera. Slayer ooga boogas people with their greatsword. Pretty warriory, but I played Lancer so I don’t really know what they did

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I am very let down that blade master isn’t a choice. While it really pertains to orcs I still think it’s a missed opportunity to not have this callback to Warcraft 3


All this talk about blademaster is bunk; living in the past and turning a blind eye to what could be better. What if we had something like destroyer or eradicator or executioner
or cattle bruiser :dracthyr_uwu:


I vote Fartknocker.

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Except it’s not just one Hero Spec for each Spec… In the video it shows that 2 Specs share each Hero Spec…

  • Arms can choose to take Slayer or Colossus
  • Fury can choose to take Slayer or Mountain Thane
  • Protection can choose to take Mountain Thane or Colossus

I suspect that Colossus will have some focus or synergy with the Avatar ability and potentially other damaging cooldowns shared by both Arms and Protection Warriors…

This also could imply that Slayer might have some 2H or Bleed connotations, as those could be a common link between Arms and Fury…

Lastly, Mountain Thane might have something to do with 1H weapons, as both Fury (with SMF) and Protection, can use 1H weapons, perhaps with a more durability/utility focused series of talents?

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Regardless of functionality, I still find the names super boring and unimaginative.

After thinking about this I actually like the concept of old guard, the warrior who is older and therefore more learned, he takes a less risky approaches but strikes with devastating efficiency in a counter of sorts.

I think this would be excellent for Arms and Prot. With a spell reflect like ability but for melee attacks for our PvP bois.(don’t ask me how that would be balanced for prot in PvE, it wouldn’t be lmao)

That’s what I originally assumed as well, unsure if they will remove Avatar from the class tree to reinforce this idea.

In recent design bleeds have taken a backseat in Fury’s damage breakdown, the exception being BFA with 3 ranks of CSHB, we do have some bleeds but nowhere near the amount that Arms does. Although I’m not against having a bleed that we can apply to our main target to suffer less from downtime.

Oh man I hope not, Blizz really needs to just allow cross T-Mog for 1 handers and 2 handers for Fury.

I’d personally like Blademaster instead of Slayer and Glad instead of Mountain Thane.