Change the void elf high elf skin nailpolish purple

rn on a void elf using high elf skin, the finger nail polish uses blood elf red, please change it to void elf purple nail polish


(Better yet please give us more customisability options :clap::clap::weary:, I’d kill for dark green nails ingame :nail_care: )


This one. This is the one.


Sadly it seems there’s no cure for the void manicure.



the void manicure is what i want, rn its blood elf red

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Well, my reading comprehension sucks when I’m multitasking….

I thought they were Deep Purple.

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They’re actually blood elf skins (the palest one void elves have, I think, is not shared with blood elves, and came from High Elf NPCs). High Elf NPCs still use their special skin textures, which are a bit paler than what Blood Elves have)

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Void elves have their 6 unique void blurple skin options, and then the other skin tones are shared with blood elves.
So the palest white skin option that void elves have is a blood elf skin :slight_smile:

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Personally i say if anything they should remove the nail polish completely.
Makeup should not be forced on to players, and the colour of nails isnt something that is noticeable enough to justify customisation options.

its not customization options

change the nailpolish theres no option about it. and my void elf transmogs that use the white skin with purple hue eyes and the nailpolish being red cramps it up

All my characters need black nail polish STAT. Trolls need talon toggles like blood trolls. Their feet actually look good when you commit to the dinosaur bit.


This has to be the best idea. We need more options, and not restricted.


Personally I’d prefer blue if it has to be a static color, but the option to choose from multiple colors would be awesome.

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Blizzard should just come to grips with the fact we don’t need expansions. Just give us race customizations and spec reskins all day, every day for the next 2 years. :smiley:


But what of, the meta pushers? lol

Honestly I have loved that DF has added sooo many additional customizations over the course of it’s life.


All the tones that the void elves got (natural tones I mean) are the same ones the Blood Elves have.

yeah and the proof is the red nail polish that blood elves have

Give us nails like this

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