Change the roadmap

This is plain stupid to have a Classic that lasts only 12 months. We need more time to enjoy the game, right now it feels so rushed.


We just need answers. Are we getting permanent TBC/WotLK or what? Is there gonna be an anniversary server that stays on Classic?

It’s hard to want to roll a character on Anniversary when Era very well could be the only choice for people wanting to stay on vanilla.


For many people 12 months is already too long to have to rehash this content, there isn’t anything new about it, nothing should slow down the move to TBC.


I agree, its TBC waiting room.


Lmao, I think everyone only playing this for TBC.

We’ve had 5 years of vanilla


what we need more is a clear statement that we are getting TBC era servers.


The Nintendo Switch 2 just got announced, Blizzard is clearly scrambling. Let them cook

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What? /10char

If you want to play classic there is :turtle: wow that is in everyway a superior classic experience, but the no changes crowd can’t handle the game being improved upon so for those… GO TO ERA lol

Classic Era exists for us who want to enjoy Vanilla even if this is a bad mash up of TBC rules with Vanilla mechanics.

Anniversary is the TBC waiting room; it’s where all the anniversary characters are being forced to go.

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Going to be real funny when all these warrior dps mains learn they aren’t top of the dps meters come tbc.


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Ew TBC, def my quitting time when that drops.

Power to those who like grinding dungeons to 70 though.

Oh they are still BiS in TBC; it’s 2.4.3 balance not early TBC balance patch.

If you don’t like it quit.

Speak with wallet not words.

Its not lasting 12 months, kts lasting for 16ish

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Dude, I like it so much I want them to extend the roadmap to a normal pace.

Sounds like you don’t like it the way it is.

So quit.

None of that is happening, this will progress through the expansions and so too will your character as it did when the game first launched. They stated this already at an event.

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Checked out the thing they put up.

Lookin like Winter is TBC pre-patch so roughly a 12 month run for Vanilla anniversary.

what rush? who cares? there is no trophy for being in the top 1% of anniversary WoW characters :expressionless: the PvE raids are braindead easy, you don’t even need purples to clear em.