You and your pals were talking about the news the other daaaaaaaaaay…
Falconers handle all raptors, be they eagles, falcons, hawks, buzzards, harriers, kites, owls, or vultures. So the need to change the bird makes no difference. Not that you could tell an eagle from a hawk in this game engine.
I would really be a fan of Blizzard adding a Glyph(s) to change the Eagle into different types of flying beasts or like copy whatever flying beast is first in your Stable.
+1 for any customization. I’m still a fan of them adding options for things that can’t be tamed just to give MM a little perk for losing pets. A valkyr, the Ashes of Al’ar model for a phoenix, just about anything that would look cool.
They can do better than having it just be an eagle, or even just a handful of bird options. Let hunters really personalize it with some cool looking models.
Yeah, or maybe something like the Rocket Chicken battle pet. There are plenty of models out there in game already that they could let MM hunters go wild with.
This! I am all for more customization! Like I think the changes would go over much better if Blizzard added something like this to make the concept more palatable.
However, the current PTR implementation this makes no sense. The animation might as well not exist, so it doesn’t need customization. Either the animation is not fully implemented and/or bugged, or they lied.
I no more want a Falcon than I want this stupid eagle.
I want my pets in their place. I don’t get why they decided to give us a random eagle instead of just use existing systems to have the pet briefly spawn and then go back to the stable. Especially if the eagle literally provides us the same benefits of our pets now…
I kinda have the same issue with the hounds as a Dark Ranger. They are so small and random they just pop in and are immediately lost in the army of other pets (I play DRBM).
Falconry doesn’t use the bird as a spotter. Eagles and hawks have better eyesight, which for a fantasy situation where you’re using a bird as a spotter, makes more sense.
Granted, falcons also have excellent eyesight, but if they’re going to give you a government mandated bird, may as well be an eagle by default.
That only makes sense if the bird is communicating what it sees to you, which it really isn’t in this context or in the flavour of the new abilities.
It would make more sense to have the bird act as flushing out / distracting your target - but really, so much of these abilities could just be baked into the buttons you press directly and making hunter’s mark actually a button worth caring about.
we all saw this coming back when they pulled
kill command from the hunter tree/mm spec.
full on sniper ranger is the plan, i guess.
as a nightelf, i’d prefer a raven or an owl or
a nightsaber.
what if they designed a mm-hunter questline for
eagles, ravens, owls, nightsabers, wolves, etc.
i mean, if they’re going to take our real pets away,
they can at least afford us some latitude with the
pretend pets.