Change the appearance of Metamorphisis to Dark Apotheosis

Change the appearance of Metamorphosis to Dark Apotheosis (Glyph of Demon Hunting).

So to start this off i feel i need to preface that im not your average wow player. I’m actually extremely intelligent and have been playing for 20 years straight, so i kinda know what im talking about and to put it bluntly, i know what’s best for everyone. If you need proof im a literal genious, i am MENSA certified.

Okay, now that that is out of the way, let’s look at the problem. Demon form is a hideous abomination, an especially egregious and glaringly out of place Retail wow form, that doesnt belong in Classic. And because im a scientific thinker, i present a simple —>

Solution: Change the form to the Dark Apotheosis form. I know not everyone has been playing tank warlock like myself for 20 years, we are a rare breed. You are likely unaware of this glyph, and that it had a very short run during the middle of WoW. The appearance is basically your character model, but with permanent Demon wings very similar to the Warlock Tier 6 set, except again, permanent. Now being that these wings on the tier 6 set come from TBC, i feel like it’s very much okay for Classic.

So there it is. change the Demon form to the simple Demon Hunter glyph Dark Apotheosis permanent wings for a much better classic wow appearance.

A bonus to this change would be that a players gear and character would be visible, instead of the carbon copy hideous Demon form we have now. I dont understand why this wasnt thought of by the devs before i had to mention it. I’m not even getting paid for these amazing ideas…


Yeah I don’t get it either. Its weird as hell having like some gigantic illidan clone tanking my group. Then we finish and I watch it turn into a tiny little gnome girl. Perhaps they could use the form for a different rune, something that is like a temporary damage CD. For level 40+ content.

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bumping this because im sick of the out of place Demon Form. It DOES NOT BELONG IN CLASSIC.

Meet us in the middle. This is much more appealing and acceptable for classic wow


yea big purple meta form looks really out of place

surprised its lasted as long as it has

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It would be nice (as an option talk to your trainer to toggle) because its annoying when you need to tank in tight places like Stockades.

I mean, I like it, in that it looks clunky, angular and unrefined. It fits the 2004 aesthetc.
Evil robes and wings wouldn’t be too bad either.

I agree, they should have used Dark Apotheosis instead of Metamorphosis for the rune. Being a big dumb demon is annoying, If I wanted to be as big as a tauren I would have played a tauren.


I hate meta cus they all look the same. This really is the fix we need


i cant take this much longer tbqh. another phase of this goofy form? it’s like the warlock dev plays retail all day and logs onto classic once a week just to say they’re paying attention.


Sorry to say but that’s WoW as a whole :joy:

One thing that’s always confused me about WoW’s demon form. Why didn’t they just use a reskinned, scaled down version of the doomguard model? The purple demon form model just looks goofy, from the animations to the color, like something you’d see in a bad PS1 game.

I thought race specific demons would be cool too. Or even horde/alliance specific, I’m an undead warlock standing near a gnome warlock but we’re identical in colour and size?

+1 to this, as it also gives the devs the ability to remove the fact that it changes your creature type to demon.

Not being able to sap meta’ed warlocks is kinda dumb.

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We already had one in vanilla. That guy in Azshara turns into a meta demon I think, so it’s already in the files.

The meta form as it is makes the most sense for orcs. Gnomes could be smaller with glaives, humans could be medium with two sets of arms, undead could actually just be made out of bones with spines instead of wings.

Honestly if meta just doesn’t remove savoury deviate delight and noggenfogger anymore that’s fine with me.

It’s fine the way it is go back to retail.