Change Survival Hunter to a Healing spec

Huh, I should have been more specific…I do not play SV, ranged or melee. I was just adding a suggestion to the forums.
If you are a “long-live” SV hunter, cool, continue.
My suggestion is that a healer spec option would be fun, so if the idea of gutting a current spec is unappealing, no problem, add a 4th spec to hunters (medic), and yes, a hunter that knows first aid is a practical idea, plus, this is a fantasy game, anything can be part of the system.
I enjoy the BM hunter spec and I also enjoy healing. I don’t need or want multiple characters for multiple specs. I like that druids can be changed to all the specs, I just don’t like melee. monk healing is really fun, but, playing content with wimpy dps takes too long and isn’t fun for me (and I know I am not the only player with this opinion). Shaman healing is pretty fun, and the ranged elemental dps is passable, but hunter dps to me is more enjoyable. I have tried most specs and classes over the years and have a few favorites. So, my suggestion would allow for players that really enjoy the game, but don’t want or need multiple alts, to have the option of swapping dps specs and healing specs (or tank) on the same character. This wouldn’t really take away game play from the gamers, it would just give a few more options, and maybe keep folks interested that have stuck around all these years.
Oh, and this may allow players that feel they have less control of the game play, the illusion of more control.
Tare care and thank you for your time.

While a tanking spec sounds feasible on paper because of how well SV/BM (and evening MM) pets tank in open world content, pets would make for bad tanks in any sort of instance because of the things a tank is supposed to be able to do. I won’t bog down into details, but many of these tasks would either become very difficult or too easy for pet tanks.
It would dramatically upset how bosses are balanced.

In theory, SV could be turned into a tank.
Right now, they deal less damage than BM (which is a problem with the class in general), but with a few defensive cooldowns and adjustments to SV pet behavior, they could become a tank. Their AoE build rotation is already somewhat close to the cleave style gameplay of tank specs.
Pet taunt might need to be disabled for the spec, however, and a lot of abilities would need to integrate some kind of defense increase or self healing, similar to how abilities like Marrowrend and Deathstrike work.

Though I’m fine with MSV, I mostly think it needs to actually be competitive with BM for AoE, some things need tweaking, and Mongoose Bite shouldn’t be required (because I hate that ability).

No matter how many times I pick up a polearm and give surv a chance it always feels like and inferior melee class. Except for maybe monk and shaman MSV feels lacking.

I’m sure you get used to it, but if I want to melee I’ll hop on my DK or rogue. Anything they do has got to be better than what it is. Who knows, it might just be me remembering how much fun RSV used to be and not giving it a fair shake… I just know it feels wrong.


You are going about this all wrong. The pet would not be the tank. The pet would be the active mitigation for the tank.

To be frank, while I’d like the added utility of a tank spec, I don’t really want SV to be tank and I think that Blizz would definitely make them the tank if anything was made a tank. However, I don’t think any Hunter specs will become a tanking spec.

I don’t particularly mind the idea of having a healing spec, with whatever justification you want to throw in.

I just don’t think there’s any chance of that ever happening.

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As far as I’m concerned, that’s more reason to do it, not less. Why should they get to enjoy what came at the cost of the enjoyment of so many of the rest of us?


blizzard probably reading this thread and starting revamp #5 for next xpac

I get it. But I’m not mad at the people playing MSV currently, I’m mad at blizzard. Unless they revert it back to RSV, I don’t see a point in ruining someone else’s spec.

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On the OP, if you’re liking the pet in some way to the spec’s healing functionality, you’re going to need to create a pet family with a healing ability and restrict it to this new version of survival (the way exotic pets are exclusive to BM).

That’s great man. You’re still a troll. I see you as the player that makes everyone regret queueing for a bg because you won’t shut up about how everyone but you sucks. Or the guy that as soon as someone makes a mistake in a m+ you rage quit the instance.

Every single one of your posts in this forum has the purpose of just irritating people. People are allowed to have different opinions than yours. We’re allowed to have different opinions than blizzard, who by the way isn’t perfect and they make mistakes.


now youre just being silly

I am not suggesting that they should remove specs, I chose survival just based on name sake, and since it seems there are many complaints about the class. If this is the case, keep survival melee or change it to ranged. I would like to see Blizzard give the players a few more options for classes. A tank spec, a heal spec and a dps spec (melee and/or ranged). It seems many players enjoy many different systems in the game.
I have been playing in the same guild since Cata, and hear many concerns about the changing game play. That’s possibly how Blizzard keeps a majority of players, change the systems, allow people to learn the new system, with new traits, then change it again (wash, rinse, repeat).
I think giving each class 4 specs would create numerous possibilities in game for the loyalists and the new players. If the elites in the game don’t like the idea, cool, you possibly pay the same amount of money to play as everyone else, your concerns have equal value in the forums.
But, I still think game play options are the one part of the system the developers should listen to the players. However, there is still the bell-curve, and not everyone will be 100% satisfied with every decision.
Oh, and for people that jump to conclusions, this is not a “troll” session or post, I really do want Blizzard to consider a hunter heal spec.
Thank you for your time, be safe…

I call bull on this. If you really played hunter in EU, they would have a troll there too. They don’t.

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Your overly weird obsession with me is bordering on needing help.

I do.

It’s a backup, and it’s used while trapping and fishing, but it’s a pistol.

I suggest everyone bring one.

You’re kidding me… like you’re foreal serious too lmao

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ok yes. So I take a handgun when I go hunting, but it’s mainly there if a bear or moose comes charging. It’s not my hunting weapon

There is a pump-action bandage cannon in the game so it’s not as far fetched as you think.

If any spec is going to change it’s role, it should be BM changing to a tank spec. BM could by far offer one of the most interesting and unique tanking experiences.

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No, if anything, a Survival healing spec should be that meme you heal by shouting at them to get better and they’re going to make it.