Change race name to Wildhammer

The title is irrelevant, a Wildhammer dwarf is still a dwarf. You can make a Wildhammer Dwarf using the dwarf customizations. The post you shared implies Wildhammer Dwarves should have been an allied race. We’ve been shown they could easily be done just by adding tattoos, hairstyles, and feathers to normal dwarves.

Lel just cause they use the same skeleton doesn’t mean they’re the same race :rofl: ofc not! Maybe Gnomes and Mechagnomes tho.

Maybe it is to you, but not to many Wildhammer fans. That’s the issue.

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Dwarf is still an appropriate way to call them. Same goes for Orc for either plain or Mag’har or Tauren for Highmountain and plain.

However, Void Elf and High Elf are not the same. Except, that horse has been beaten too much already hasn’t it?

I’m for changing the race name, but not because of that.

Indeed. Still, that doesn’t address the issue that many Wildhammer fans want to be referred to as Wildhammer Dwarves in the game.

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This is the correct answer. :point_up:

Since Blizz decided to just shove most dwarves together, we really have no other options. They’re called “dwarf” when you make them, not “Bronzebeard.” Only Dark Irons got special snowflake treatment. Why, I don’t know. I heard people ask for Wildhammers, but never Dark Irons.

Then those players should get the roleplay addons that include correct race names.
I doubt it matters to any non RPers.

Sure, and in the meantime they can request for a race name toggle as well.

I personally would like that for Blood Elves as well whenever we get those San’layn customizations. I wouldn’t want my San’layn to be called “Blood Elf”.

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would rather have broken.

I support this idea.


What do you mean? It’s irrefutable Wildhammer Dwarves are just a dwarf variant. They’re not even nearly as different as Dark Irons are and them being a standalone race is a stretch. Wildhammer Dwarves already exist. You can make them.

Sounds kinda kinky.



Ppl will complain and get it cancelled.