It’s amazing how much Blizzard wants to shoot itself in the foot by making this game more toxic than it has to be.
Broken record but why are Mythic Raid Lockouts still a thing? Especially when Blizzard is still gating the Mythic format to 20 man instead of 10 man. Why is this game so PUG unfriendly when I bet a bulk amount of their subs come from casuals? (and by casual I dont mean plays little, I mean doesnt have a designated raiding guild or schedule around the game)
I cant tell you how many times I’ve gotten friends into WoW they play up to and finish Heroic Raid, gear to max and then peace out from the game because there’s just no chance you can be a casual tryhard and still get into Mythic Content. WoW should be noone’s second job and they’ve come a long way with gearing in that regard, but in the actual endgame content? Cmon.
“oh well people wouldnt take it seriously or would waste peoples time” You know what would waste a hell of a lot less time? Not having most of the community locked out from running different bosses or attempting the same ones over and over with different groups. The frequency of them trying driving up familiarity and experience across the player base as a whole further making groups easier to find.
Why is the WoW model still - “lets make things harder for players to timegate them so they sub longer” and not “lets make this game quality of life so players have fun and sub longer and help out the rest of the community without it being trauma inducing”
In that regard Keys should not lower ever unless you manually lower them, im sorry, if you are players wanting to experiment and try out harder content and u are even slightly under geared or unfamiliar, why are you punished for your own or someone else being a little too brave or inexperienced? Rather than being able to help them learn through the content?
It should have a little timeout on it but it shouldnt lower. That way u dont have people kicking people 5 seconds after the dungeon starts, and people can easily put in (completion) vs (beat timer) runs in their listings.
Just AHHH, why cant this game just be good? It actively tries to cull its own players.
They will never change mythic raid lockout because of a belief they have called “Guilds and Player Retention”. Basically this theory goes something like this and I’m paraphrasing here (if the lockout changes, guild members will have no reason to join guilds and they will be able to pug mythic raids as they wish and it will shatter the bill and it will be the end of WOW as we know it)
Personally it’s nothing but BS that was said by a guy that tried to scare the big boss who considered removing the lockout, but got scared after reading this BS theory.
This theory basically is stating that it’s the end of wow if they remove lockouts at mythic raids. Again it’s nothing but BS. If they remove lockouts all that will happen pugs will be able to do mythic easily. That is a likely scenario that is just about it.
Has been for a long time. No offense but this thought that mythic raiding is guild only is wildly out dated.
It’s been pugged with various success for multiple expansions now. During Amirdrassil you could find pugs up to Mythic Smolderon, usually 4-5 bosses easy. Second tier usually 3-4 bosses with just the average good pug and the tier with raz mega easy to do first two bosses.
It was a specific point, I always like to mention how wildly outdated mythic ID is.
To monetize the wow token by intentionally trying to FOMO people into an artificially inaccessible game mode. Its continued existence is to artificially keep pay to avoid playing boosting a thing by making something inaccessible on purpose through intentionally bad timegate systems.
Then people other than boosters would be playing mythic raiding and wow token sales would go down. Its intended demographic is RMT boosters who carry people blocked from playing mythic raiding by the bad systems. It is kept bad on purpose to monetize tokens.
Those have been discussed in depth before, it’s not a gotcha moment you think it is. Additionally, they are independent of the issue of raid lockouts in this thread and absolutely do not counter the point made above.
Those still have a driving factor involving cosmetic/mount FOMO and not being worth playing the game for. Weekly login lootbox for mobile game type fake progression is exactly how you also steer players towards boosting.
There isn’t just one driving factor or system design steering players into boosting, it’s multiple.
In general, people also do not accept the word “no” and will pay off others until they get what they want. The current mythic id system actually monetizes this explicitly. The critical point that was made earlier is that by making raiding inaccessible thru bad systems, the game devs are steering players to boosting rather than participating in content to earn properly.
Because lockouts could be replaced with a global ilvl cap that raises weekly.
Cap the quality on a schedule, not the quantity.
Higher modes could have a +3/+6 extra ilvl above the cap, but you’d have gear that’s weaker than the next, so a season would last more than 2 weeks, as you’d need to refarm. There could even be a new system to “lock in” an item so their ilvl raises as the season progresses instead of totally needing to refarm, akin to a new kind of creation catalyst system. The idea is NEVER put people in loot timeout, but also still make it so playing later naturally has catch-up built in via the ilvl cap system described.
I honestly think Blizzard is just too afraid to change it for the better as no one wants to be fired for potential token monetization loss from people p2w’ing because it’s currently bad.
Edit: Please don’t respond to me if you’re not going to read at all and troll instead.
It incentivizes me to play better. Throwing money at a video game feels like a very sad and hollow path to victory.
The fixed size is about tuning, and the number is about accommodating all the classes with some room for redundancy.
What do you mean by this? Everyone’s ilvl goes up on a schedule? You talk about not putting people in loot time out, but ilvl is capped weekly. Maybe it’s too early still, but I find your explanation totally incoherent.
I was part of a guild who didn’t have enough players to mythic raid (20), and we had difficulty finding pugs after the first boss kill because of lockouts. Once you lose the initial pugs or you have to continue raiding later, you are doomed. Someone already said it but this is also why guilds need to have a bench and once you start benching people those players usually leave the guild. I am not a veteran of this game but even I find that every other content other than mythic raiding becomes old after the first 2 months. I did +11 keys and didn’t see a reason to push forward and heroic raid is way too easy for my 630+ ilvl characters. I wanted to do mythic raiding and right now the only way for me is to pug and I can’t do it with this ridiculous lockout system.
Long story short, I quit the game and won’t return until this problem is fixed!