Change lfd deserter

I just had the lovely pleasure of…. My internet deciding to go out for 2 mins… ppl in todays world can’t ofc wait more than a second… got kicked… when I finally got back on I was greeted with a 30 min can’t cue up because I “deserted” a dungeon… no blizzard I did not my internet went out and I was kicked… for the love of all things holy please adjust this ugh


I’m sure it’s a limitation of the code, but LFD and LFR shouldn’t share a deserter debuff.

Queue into an LFR wing, group is on the final boss, kill the boss, queue up get the same wing again, kill the first two bosses then leave since you wont get loot from the final boss, congratulations now you have the deserter debuff. Before the changes to the deserter debuff you could do that with no issues, now you get a debuff because of jerks who dropped after not getting their trinket from the first boss in ara-kara.

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I concur. Not only are people impatient AF these days, but they’re retaliatory too. And making it so easy to remove “undesirable” people just encourages it. I’m continuously getting kicked for really no good reason. I take too long at the loading screen? Kicked. I try to go after an optional boss while the group charges another direction? Kicked.

Getting removed from a dungeon you’re halfway through is one thing. Getting a 30 min penalty for trying to play the game differently is just a slap in the face.

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This is ridiculous: Queue for LFR - join at 2nd or 3rd boss…kill
Requeue for same LFR to do missed bosses - join LFR at guaranteed 1st boss given killed last boss (This was a great change!!)
Kill previous missed boss/bosses leave group as remaining are loot locked - 30 min deserter…INSANE!
Reported via ingame bug report so many times since this became an issue so long ago now… still not changed
Pls fix or if not going to fix then don’t loot lock LFR if the 1st boss is missed by that toon

The deserter debuff makes me angry sometimes. Especially when you get into a group in lfd and get kicked because the tank is pulling everything to the bosses and you’re having trouble keeping up. I think the debuff needs to be changed either how long it is or what actually constitutes as deserting your group.

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