Change bad

i guess my point is the new ui doesn’t look modern or anything. or does it? im not a graphic designer or anything, but it feels just meaninglessly different. change for the sake of change as i’ve said. it’s fundamentally the same exact stuff, just looks a little diff for some reason

It looks like a sleeker version of wow. WoW, outside of the early years, has always kind of looked outdated.

Yes, this UI has some issues, that I would very much like addressed but overall, I think it looks far better and is a far better base UI than what we used to have.


It will slowly fix and get better it’s brand new not everything is in yet.


If they were goina make a change to the UI it should’ve been drastic or not at all. This is lacking . Like you said it seemed like they changed it to “get with the times “ but in reallity it’s stil 10 years behind . Are character portraits should be moving more detailed , the action bar doesn’t even have a frame , the 2 little dragons on the sides look horrible , hp bars are bright green and just look trashy . Honestly it just looks rushed , the IDEA behind it (customizable options) is good . The details are trash


I hope you’re right.

I don’t hate it, and I’ve found a configuration that works for me, but there are still some things about it that just aren’t working. For instance, I would like to move where the bags open, but that’s not possible.

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I spoke with a developer that works on the HUD UI and she said that it will be an ongoing project throughout the expansion and beyond.

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Hey, any idea if they’re planning to fix the guild UI? Ion said four years ago that the change to the guild permissions was unintentional and they were working on a fix, but nothing has happened yet.

Here’s the relevant thread:

yeah this is 100% how i feel. that’s a better way to put it for sure

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They are focusing on improving the base UI not guild or whatever ui like what I mean by base is

Chat box
Character frames
Quest tracking
Quest logs
Mini map
NPC box
Menu bar

The guild stuff is not my cup of tea since I only focus on the most important and basic stuff like those what I have listed

Yeah, I wouldn’t say meaningless if a huge part of the player base likes/loves it, just wish that a huge part of the player base that doesn’t had a way of opting out. Change is okay, but Change with Choice could have been a lot better. To those that like it Grats.

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I mean, there is a good reason why they don’t let you have the option to have the old UI. Going forward every time they add a new menu or new system, or change something with an old system or menu, they’d have to make sure the changes are reflected and work flawlessly on both UIs. In terms of workload, it’s a more efficient use of their time to force everyone to use the new UI and if some players really, really want the old base UI back, an addon can be made for it, offloading that work to someone willingly to do it.

nobody but your OCD is forcing you to read them you know…

Hit escape.

Go to edit mode.

Select ‘Classic UI.’

No, it’s not a perfect recreation, but it’s 95% there.

very valid points, its just that darn “forced” part that really stings. I even have another idea why it wouldn’t work to have 2 options. I’ve read a few times people in Beta saying that people shouldn’t get to committed to action bar 1 in there normal rotations or spell placements that is going to be the default for the dragonflying spells. I can’t confirm this is true, but it would make a lot of sense why action bar 1 has had more UI issues then the rest. I can see it being a future topic again I’m sure if that is the case. Thanks for your input. After all that I sure would have liked to see a opt out option, but i also would have liked if Santa Claus remained real. A guy can dream.

Ooohhhh snaps? Really!? Woohoo! Thanks for the info! :eyes:

I typically rejoice this way when a vending machine also gives change:

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they could’ve kept a toggle for the old UI since it’s already implemented. why delete existing features?

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Change sometime good

Bad change bad tho. About 50% of this new UI is bad change. But some good.

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Took me maybe 30-40 mins to setup the new one. I like it because mine beforehand was half baked since I hate ElvUI