Change 5s into a Solo Que 5s

If you’ve tried to do 5s you’ll notice the queue time is long, even getting a group for 5s is hard, because no one is really doing it. A suggestion to change it to a Solo Queue 5s is mostly a for fun thing where you play with 4 random people against a team of 5 other randoms for rating and conquest points. You would have most likely 1-2 healers a team since you can queue as a healer (The integrity of it might be bad at lower MMR’s, like a ret saying he’s a healer or something).

I was thinking if there was something to experiment with in PVP it would be 5s, you can’t get glad title from it and they got rid of skirmish, sometimes I just want to queue arena and not be too serious about it, I also find 5s to be the most fun version of arena not in a competitive sense but just fun.


would be cool to have some kind of solo queue but Blizzard blows chunks now so I doubt anything will happen


I’m viewing this as someone who played league of legends a lot, when you want to play ranked you don’t need to make a team, you just queue and you’re put with 4 others with similar mmr/rating, I think 5s is the perfect place for this.

I’d be down for it. Sounds interesting

This should have been done for all arenas and all BGs. Everything is rated, can solo or group queue. mmr/rating will sort everything out. Easiest win in wow pvp history.

I’d actually play rated BG / arena if I could solo queue. Way too time consuming (and schedule conflicts) to play with a team. Isn’t league one of the most popular games in the world? Just copy their rated system.

Well you wouldn’t want to mix group queue into it, a decent 5 man team with voice would stomp most solo que, in league you can go solo or duo into a 5v5.

maybe not change it fully, but allowing a solo-queue would be fine imo
Impossible to get 2200 now, sucks for those who have it as the last achieve for Arena Master. A little inflation on the 5s brack would be cool

I would 100% queue it just for fun or to gear an alt

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This would be a great change.

5 mans would inevitably end up fighting other 5 mans.

I’d actually play max level in wow again if there was a solo rated queue (not retail’s shuffle nonsense). Until then I’ll just BG on lvl 81’s. Imagine the participation explosion if solo queue was a thing. The ladder would be pumping. Ratings would be inflated to the extreme. R1’s would probably be 3.6 k rated or something.


5’s is a dead bracket…
Waste of time and resources

Just do solo queue 3v3
Where you can’t queue into the same team/person

Thats where im at lol was like 2150 in wotlk 5s and we stopped queing didnt even think about it :sweat_smile: RiP

Ditto! I’m sad that I stopped at 2100 and not push for that 2.2k. Only one I’m missing