Change 3vs3 and 2vs2 to Rated 2s and 3s skirmish

So has there ever been talk of switching queuing into rated similar to how you do in other games when you try to queue as a solo, duo, or trio?

I would think a great improvement would be to switch 2s and 3s to queue you with similar groups.

Let us solo queue and duo queue in 3s and 2s and only face same types of group. Basic skirmishes would get players and once they feel ready, they can jump into rated skirmish.

The smaller solo players could work their butt to the top so you get solo players happy, and at the same time top players (that queue together) will still be able to keep their bracket as they would only face full trios.

Healers can queue with a friend and have a rando show up. Maybe at one point they meet a solo dude they mesh well. Then they try to push the higher brackers that only have a lot of 3s team.

You could probably eliminate solo shuffle this way (or keep it as a random mode cause it’s fun) and throw the rewards into rated skirmish. So maybe the Penant now is 2400, but glad mount is 2600, and legend is 2800.

Maybe change some of the title % such as Legend the top 25% of pvp players. Gladiator is the top 5%.

This is just me trying to provide some feedback. That’s all

A lot of people have suggested this and this was actually the initial implementation of solo shuffle, but it was knocked down by internal testing and community feedback because people would hate one random ruining their lobby, whereas having to play 6 rounds ameliorates one “bad egg”.

Further, while I appreciate being able to just queue up and play, I don’t think that further removing incentives to work together and make friends is good.

Finally, is your name a “Fired Up” reference?!

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Allow 3v3 to be qd as solo/duo/trio so people can just play instead of relying on friends/lfg if they choose to do so.


This was my “Is that even a word?” double take of the week. Turns out to be wholly unrelated to amoebae, which is where my mind first jumped.

Thanks Nasra, oh great educator of the forums.


My guild makes fun of me every week for “making up words” to the point where it’s a meme now. This week the made up word was “dictionary” :stuck_out_tongue:



I was in this camp initially and argued heavily for shuffle, but no, it really doesn’t.

Instead of being mad that you queue up rated 3s skirms and get a random Ret Paladin who runs in, presses bubble first global, and then dies solo behind a box 8 seconds later, you just have that occur in round 1 and 2 of a shuffle and he becomes a permanent target. The healer who was unlucky enough to be with him for the first few rounds is then denied his 0 CR 3-3 when the paladin learns his lesson and channels his inner Vanguards for the last 3 rounds.

OR, you have the mid-shuffle abandon and people are stuck with their losses with the ruiner but don’t get the free wins to offset.

Neither system is perfect, but Rated Skirmishes with the ability to duo queue has fewer downsides.

At absolute worse, it’s no different than the crap shoot that is LFG where you churn through 4 people that leave after a single loss before finding a teammate that sticks.

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Interesting, but after we have 107 different arena gamemodes to queue everything is going to be so watered down.

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Counterpount: No.

Counterpoint: Yes.

God I’d love to queue into nonvoice random comps in 3s :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Also imagine rmx.

Counter-counterpoint: No.

Hit 'em with that Dewey Decimal System next.

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Preach. What little bit of shuffle I’ve played, I’ve visually witnessed people get 3x better a round or two in and every time it happens, it feels like a personal insult. Lol

I really like this idea. great idea.

Really circling back to the important question: is your name a reference from the movie “Fired Up”?