Chances of a TBC Server Returning?

I’m not saying that TBC doesn’t have a long quest chain or two, just asserting that you can see the beginning of what ultimately became the quest-hub centric approach of future expansions.

My intent is to relate my own experiences, not to knock yours. If you love TBC I’m super happy for you. I’m pretty vocal in my support for a TBC Era server :slight_smile:


well sentinel hill in westfall is mostly westfall. duskwood is mosrly duskwood. wetlands mostly wetlands, etc. i cant think of many vanilla quests that are multizoned other than those that unlock raids. there is that quest chain in western plaguelands that sends ya to sw a couple times.

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I do lobby for a TBC server because once Cata starts I do NOT have a version of wow to enjoy, hence the posts here. And I’ve already addressed profitable strats for Blizzard and reasons for them wanting to put a server up, so I won’t repeat them here.


Good odds imo.

Well, in Vanilla you kinda find yourself bouncing between three zones at once. You’ll quest for a bit in Loch Modan, then go to Wetlands for a bit, then over to Redridge. Then you come back and do higher level Loch quests, mid level Wetlands quests, and later level Redridge. Then you start to do the early Arathi quests to level up a bit before you go back down to Wetlands and finish the higher stuff there. And so on.

In TBC you mostly just do all of Hellfire, then all of Zangarmarsh or maybe Terrokkar. You can split if you want to, but you don’t really need to, whereas Vanilla’s design has you kind of traveling all over. This eventually transitions to the WotLK style (that continues to evolve to retail) of having singular quest hubs that you mostly exhaust before moving on and never returning.

I’m not really talking about a singular quest taking you all over (though that is cool), but more so the fact that Vanilla has you going all over and experiencing the world. TBC marks the beginning of a trend where you do a zone to completion and then never return.

Again though, this is just my observations and my preference.

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ah i guess i’m such a tbc geek i remember many of the quests that most people dont do, such as forging the key for shattered halls that requires you kill the fel reaver and also some demon at black temple i think, and grinding honor hold rep for heroic unlocks to heroic ramps and heroic blood furnace, and kill magtheridon in raid there. and the isle of quel’danas quest at throne of kil’jaeden in hellfire pen… most of those are hfp quests you do later, and zangarmarsh has you go back there to talk to someone, too. etc

Yea I would agree that the attunement quests are pretty involved, and I also think TBC is maybe the last expac to really do attunements. It was certainly a pain sometimes, especially when you wanted to catch up to your friends, but man it really gave life to the world.

I think TBC actually did a better job of attunement chains than Vanilla did.

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shattrath sends ya all over the place too, like to netherstorm area 52 and tempest keep, isle of quel’danas, terrokar , skettis, nagrand, blades edge, etc

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TBC fresh would be amazing! I would love for this to be a thing!


I would love to play on a fresh TBC-era server, particularly if they implemented the enforced faction balance and GDKP ban that seem to be working pretty well on the SoD servers.

Wrath Classic was such a let down for me. I had fond memories of OG Wrath, but the experience the second time around was pretty disappointing and my interest dropped off very quickly. I’ve been mostly bumming around in Hardcore and SoD, rather than playing Wrath Classic. If there was a TBC-era server, I’m pretty sure that’s where I’d be right now.


I think there’ll be a lot more people playing Cata Classic at launch than expected. I also think this will be followed by one of the sharpest population declines Blizz has ever experienced, and that Cata Classic will rapidly become even deader than Wrath Classic.

I too long for some fresh TBC-era servers, particularly if they’re implemented with the forced faction balance and GDKP bans that seem to have worked well on SoD.

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BC released when everyone was pissed off at the scandal I think it was the best time I had playing and I still didn’t get to experience sunwell or finish hyjal I think we should ban GDKP and get better at stopping gold farmers

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Well, the post titled “Please Blizz, One TBC Server” now has over 100 “Likes.” Granted, it is not a huge number, but if you extrapolate that number to include people that don’t use the forums (super majority of players), or who can’t even post on the forums because they no longer have a subscription, I would say that would equate to a few thousand players, which is more than enough to have a viable server.

We are literally asking blizzard to take our money. I know blizzard thinks that gimmicks are the way to go, yet not in this case. Keep it simple: have a forever TBC server and make many of your customers happy.


bravo, you got a post with 100 likes to show how popular and profitable tbc server will be. lmao. Even a dead server like Chaos Bolt also has a 100 like post for asking blizzard to not shut it down.
A thousand of player server that doesn’t generate new subs for classic era players who are sick of their never-changing mode sounds like a cool project to me. Let’s be real, classic era players don’t go anywhere, even if there won’t be a tbc server. If they did, blizzard would be happier to shut down non-profitable classic era servers. Keep your campaign go on, I can see a tbc server very soon, in next few decades.

well i think it could be spiced up a bit with a transmog toy and barbershop toy you can buy on the shop and also are boe world drops with low drop rates that can be sold on ah. the barbershop toy could launch an interface that lets you change hair, eye and etc, with maybe a feature you cant get on retail barbershop, such as height change, and maybe a couple new things, like markings/tats. and the transmog toy could summon an ethereal who lets you mog your gear. then the shop could sell unique mogs like a recolor of illidans tats or a recolor of kael’thas tempest keep gear, etc. and all of it can drop ingame as world drops and be sold on ah

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If they put up a TBC server, and never nerfed any content, people would stay interested for a long time. Once the nerfs start, and people start having friends run their 5th alt through kara, it gets boring.


Just want to add on to the replies of people wishing for classic TBC again. I’ve been playing and really enjoying almost everything retail has to offer right now, but it’s not classic. Would love to play through vanilla → TBC progression again. TBC class design still felt classic, but improved everyone’s gameplay loops and viability. Holding out hope that we get to restart the trilogy after cata runs its course. I miss my progressive classic world.

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That’s what I want! During TBC classic I was living without internet, really wanted to go back and relive those times, maybe make some new ones.


Why would you want to go back to living without internet?


please tbc blizzard begging u