Chances of a graphics toggle

Fairly low.
The data miners from the beta client would have found a toggle.

Blizz hasn’t been able to get a real handle on toggles for this sort of thing. I’d rather we get the old graphics and the game works than have this thing be held up by trying to make it prettier.

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The entire thing.

If you want to play ignorant, have at it Galdor. I should not have to explain how repeated graphics toggle threads by L120s with 0 posts and 3 minutes total forum time are blatant trolls.

I’d consider a new face with a hidden account to be questionable too.


Ohhh, it’s Brokenwind, LOL.

The graphics slider is in the alpha. If it goes well, will probably make it to live.

Sorry toots, just someone who doesn’t appreciate trolls or profile peekers.

Hiding your profile doesn’t do anything, it creates about two seconds of extra effort to get the exact same result. Anyhow, you should check out the Classic reddit, lots of great stuff to read there the last few days.


I find these discussions always seems to debate the merits of why (not) to have updated models/animations…

To me that misses the point entirely. WoW Classic is a project which aims to best replicate the vanilla WoW experience. Client-side models having no impact on other players misses the point - it impacts the integrity of Classic. The goal is to replicate vanilla; shoehorning in features outside of those parameters should not be within Blizzard’s scope for this project.

They’re building classic onto the 8.x client so I expect there to be departures from Vanilla regarding the capabilities of lighting detail, draw distance, foliage etc… but adding updated models and animations is not something they would be obligated to include. They weren’t a part of vanilla.


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  1. Graphics are updates but you may choose to play with “classic” graphics too (This means how you’ll see terrains, shadows, surrounding nature)
  2. Models won’t be the updated ones. (This means you’ll see the old version of how mobs look like as well as objects etc)

Both are confirmed

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Where? :musical_note:

Par for the course around here mon amis.


View Activity != View Profile

But by all means, keep running interference for the OP.

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Updated graphics from the blizzcon demo and the classic beta leaks - there’s “classic” button in the video settings. There’s also bunch of videos and photos about it already to see the difference (look up youtube)

Models confirmed the very first time Classic got confirmed - during blizzcon. They were speaking about how they found a way to run the old models with the modern technology and source code and how that was challenging at first because source code couldn’t read them initially

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Wowzers, that profile hiding sure is effective!

OK, just making sure that you didn’t know something that I didn’t.

I want to remind you that Blizzcon was a long time ago and that things could have changed since then. A datamined screenshot from the alpha is cool but it says nothing about what we’ll actually get. Again, I’m a big fan of the old graphic and models myself, but I caution people to not be too absolute about this until Blizzard says something either way.

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Things could still change, they could still remove the Modern water and shadow options from Classic. As of now, they’re still there but only time will tell how this all ends.

Please, don’t do it.

I think many people aren’t understanding what the toggle does.

The current state of the graphics toggle effects textures and includes added foliage.

The updated textures are new Water, shadows, etc…

The foliage was already a hidden feature you could activate in the 1.12 client using an add on to prompt a console that allowed you to edit settings beyond the maximum graphical settings.

In short, the toggle just allows you to crank up the texture definition on the old models, while activating a hidden feature of increased foliage.

I’m assuming this was done for two reasons:

  1. It’s a compromise between the new/old graphics camps. You get old models, but with the ability to make them prettier.
  2. It greatly decreases the size of the client, because having 2 of every single model and texture on your computer would eat a TON of space and make resource queries super robust and slow. Remember, the models are in the client files, and the server just tells your client where a model is at in any given moment.

Personally, I’m fine with the way it’s setup. “Classic mode” just means reduced (old) textures, old shadows, old water. The current mode gives you old models that are just dolled up a bit.

Actually if you think about it that’s not really something they’ll be working on changing now since they’ve already made it anyway. And it gives options for players to choose.
They won’t come out to confirm these details as they won’t confirm that duskwood will still be named duskwood.
What they are testing and working on will most likely be things that can actually go wrong like making sure that Boars don’t cast frost nova, lvl 3 wolfs don’t drop tunderfury bindings as well as spawn positions, making sure mobs don’t get stuck and have correct hp and resistances.

The graphics can’t really go wrong and there’s no reason to change their mind and start working on it all over again. It pretty much makes sense to have modern and classic graphics together.

I will personally play with classic-like settings but if someone who recently bought a 5K display wants to see the game in a better quality… yeah up to them