% Chance a GM will transfer a Raid Epic after it's been equipped?

Last night one of our raiders received an item but as loot council we decided it was probably a bad idea for him to get it (nice one). I feel like I know the answer but we’re wondering what’re the chance that even after the player has equipped the item and the 2h time-limit has passed, a GM will assist in transferring the item?

Has anyone done this yet in classic?

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Seems like something they would do

If everyone agrees to it I don’t see why a GM wouldn’t do it

Once equipped, your chances went down to 0%.


in the past, I think they may have intervened and would have made the transfer if the person currently holding the item was the one who made the ticket.

However, given it’s not 10-15 years ago… I don’t believe they will do anything.


How did the person get it if you have a loot council, did you forget to use master loot?

In the past and if the item hadn’t been equipped, definitely. However, with Classic, they’ve said that they’re hands-off after the 2 hours now too. On top of that, they equipped the item. It’s soulbound now. It’s not going anywhere unfortunately.

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why im glad retail has personal loot.


I think the chances of this happening if ALL PARTIES INVOLVED agree to the transfer of the item is probably close to 1-5% max.

If even on individual involved fails to submit a personal ticket, doesn’t agree that it shook out wrong, disagrees, or simply ignores the GM Whispers/Email the chance is a total goose-egg. 0% chance.

I feel like if you were at the mailbox in Ironforge 15 years ago and put in a ticket that you accidentally deleted something a GM would be there in 30 minutes. Heck they even had a GM island that people whispered about

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Basically we changed our mind after the fact.

Ah, unfortunately you’re probably out of luck. :frowning:

Yeah that’s the answer I’m expecting. We’ll see tonight and I’ll post on here to update y’all <3


For the record, Blizzard GMs have literally never been able to move items that are soulbound. Seeing that prior to launch they made it clear their policy would be not to move items beyond the 2 hour timer, it’s unlikely a GM even has the tools to do what you’re asking them to do.

Let us know how it goes, but I’ll be totally blown away if they do it. It’ll open up the flood-gates for so many tickets…

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They said in a blue post that they won’t get involved with loot issues, it’s your problem.

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Yep it was a no-go as expected!

Translation: The GM’s boyfriend decided he liked how it looked.


0% chance. The player didn’t ninja it.

0% chance.

Also, loot council after the loot has already been assigned? What?

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That’s a zero, yes zero, percent chance. In fact, the equipping part isn’t even germain to the situation. Once it was given to Soandso, there was a zero percent chance of it moving ever again. They made a statement about it when the 2 hour transfer window was removed. The #nochanges trolls count it as a win.

Blizzard made it very clear… “fine, all loot is a you problem”.

If it was personal loot, it probably would have dropped for a person with a lover Ilvl item equiped and you wouldn’t be able to trade it at all… ROFL @ personal loot!! :rofl::rofl:

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