Challenges in Maldraxxus - did not receive credit

Hi, I have the calling “Challenges in Maldraxxus,” which requires you to either complete the “Chosen Champions” world quest, Theater of Pain, or Plaguefall. I completed the Chosen Champions world quest yesterday, and just wanted to report that I did not receive credit for the “Challenges in Maldraxxus” quest. I no longer have access to the Chosen Champions world quest, so I will have to do one of the two dungeons to complete the quest, which is totally fine. It may be worth mentioning that I changed covenants from Venthyr to Necrolord yesterday before I accepted the quest. Thanks!


I experienced the same issue a couple of days ago with this character, after successfully completing the quest with another character earlier this week. I completed the quest, saw the completion banner and heard the fanfare, hearthed back to Bastion only to find that the “Challenges of Maldraxxus” calling didn’t give me credit for doing it.

I guess they haven’t fixed this yet, I got an ilvl 138 trinket instead of credit for the calling and the quest is there again now with a gold reward