Challenges in Bastion NPC Invisible after gong back to hand-in quest

As the title says, the NPC that gave me the quest for the week “Challenges in Bastion” has just disappeared. I relogged, waited a day, and he is still not present. This is in my Kyrian Covenant sanctum. He’s supposed to be on the upper levels, I can’t give you a name because… Well he’s gone for me. Need help so I can hand this in before the timer expires lol.


Same here>. Im having the exact same problem

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Same here>. Im having the exact same problem, exact problem here

Same issue with me. Hopefully it reappears after dailies reset.

I’m having the same exact issue. I went to turn it in yesterday and ran around trying to see if I was just on the wrong level, but nope! The person is gone. Person still isn’t there today. It’s really frustrating!

Are you all in the middle of a campaign quest chain? It seems certain quests cause some NPCs to leave their existing locations for that phase and they will return once the quest is completed.


Great call, I was, thank you!


I spent all day trying to get hearthstone working on my phone so I could play that, and apparently the app is broken yet again.
I get into WoW this evening and the first quest I do has a broken/missing NPC.


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Thank you! This was it issue. Abandon quest, boom appeared!


This has happened to me twice this week, and its February, not sure what’s going on.

Seems the way they will fix this is wait long enough that everyone is done the campaign on all the alts and it becomes unnoticed by players, way to say “idgaf” bliz :slight_smile: As everyone knows idgaf is the Vykryl word meaning “to give something our immediate attention”.

Not sure why you would be able to accept and complete the quest if you can’t turn it in…? Anyway I was in the middle of the Korthia questline and once I completed the intro the turn in appeared thanks

Abandoning the campaign quest “A Perilous Journey” did the trick in getting the NPC Xandria to reappear. Thanks a ton!


Worked for me cheers.