Challenge Mode recolours should be in Pandamonium MoP Remix

How it’s not? You are asking for progress based reward to be handed out in meme event…

You do what you always do. Stay ignorant and salty.

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I’m not asking for the original sets. I’m asking for recolors. I thought we covered this.

When confronted with an opinion they don’t like the trolls will often insult rather than rely on logic.

Very few people ask for Gladiator recolors to be made available because they are literally a single tint out of historically three to four being released at a time.

To pretend the CM sets are a comparable situation is a tad odd to me.

I made my point. You do you. It’s just sad seeing you in every FOMO topic being told the same thing, yet you refuse to comprehend it.

Is it a different tint tho? Almost every Glad mount has unique armor attached to them.

Why is it tho? Both items were removed after certain period of time, both were progress based and test of skill.
Let’s go with Elite sets like you mentioned. S4 we are getting S1/2/3 sets back. Tied to original requirements. That is 1600/1800 pvp rating. They won’t be handed out in a meme Remix mode.

I made mine.

You just want to shut every opinion like mine down. I don’t know why you’re so invested on the keep it away side. I won’t stop posting my opinion in every single topic I see on the matter.

Legion season 3 Elite sets had their recolors released in a “meme Remix mode” ala Mage Tower :slight_smile:

Nope, MT SL had their recolors based on season 3 elite.
Unless you are talking about Legion MT, which were weapons - makes even less sense.

They were also based on Mythic set. Cant compare CMG to mythic either.

Well so much for diplomacy, I think you two need to let this go. I don’t understand why there’s any need to be so bitter about it.

Everyone’s got a snippy attitude but I stand by that nothing OP has said has been outlandish in nature and in fact everything they’ve claimed makes perfect logical sense.

A few others above mentioned that the Pandaren Phoenix mount is being brought back with the Chi-Ji color scheme, to my knowledge that was also a Challenge Mode Silver reward, no?

Doesn’t seem like it would hurt for any recolors of those sets to return then I feel?


“No, I agree with you.”
Thanks blud

And yes, as we both know I meant SL MT.

Yes that is correct. Doesn’t look as good as original in my opinioon. Also I’m not bothered by them since:
1st it was Silver diff,
2nd I dont care about mounts in wow.

Nowhere I stated that. Cope harder. :slight_smile:


Man’s a savage!! Ahahaha

Frankly I just wish Demon Hunters had a set that had cool class-ability interactions like the CM sets. I’d love for a Challenge Mode “Series 2” or something in the future with all new sets, for all classes at present.


Imagine CM sets coming back. What would Evokers and DHs get?

Yeah new Challenges please BLizzard.


You know on second-thought, I kinda wish they just gave us mounts for the August Celestials from this event lol. way cooler than any recolours

we already have Yu’lon or whatever her name is as the timewalking MoP mount

1 down, 3 to go


for my scalie friends, i hope they get a set that is an actual full set while in dracthyr form

for demon hunters, this is gonna sound spicy, but if they got a modified version of the warlock challenge mode set, that would be so sick. a while ago I was bored in the wowhead dressing room and put the warlock CM helmet and shoulders onto a demon hunter, and it actually looked incredibly cool, given that the set is tremendously illidan inspired


I admit reading comprehension has not been a conscious topic for me since I was in grade school, but perhaps you could take a snippet out of your busy schedule to enlighten me here?

The Shadowlands Mage Tower sets are recolors of the Mythic/Elite season 3 and 4 sets from Legion.

The point being that there is a precedent for reintroducing old sets with new colours, regardless of current or past prestige.

damn you’re just picking fights with everyone i see lol


Yeah i’m at work and I admit we both thought the same thing…

Yes how does this apply to CM? I mean I understand if we got challenge mode in DF and got a black version of current mythic/elite rewards. Why should that be a problem?

Bro you are suggesting adding Recolors to Remix… Why on earth would that be okay?

Make Challenge Mode MOP #2? How are they gonna balance around it, when they couldn’t do it with MT?

People should forget about CM, old Elite sets, Gladiator mounts, Ashbringers, etc.

Create new challenges aka MT/CM(hard to belive since we have m+) and everybody will be happy.

Just the mean, ignorant and combative ones.

For what my humble bump is worth, august celestial versions of the phoenixes would’ve been a good one.

I mean because I disagree with you, where you try being passively aggresive towards me becase you can’t get CMG. Cool.

Thank god CM’s ain’t comming back, you didnt earn them and frankly you don’t deserve them. Stay entitled.


right, like the person who insinuated twice that i am not what I say I am career-wise when I have absolutely zero motive to lie in a wow forum of all places?

you are joking right

do you think i made this post to argue with people? i want fun discussion. if i see someone confidently or arrogantly stating a falsehood, who isn’t going to take the opportunity to correct that?


This right here…

If they’re okay brining back the silver reward as a recolor they should have no issue with the recolored sets.