My Gold transmog challenge mode mist of pandaria disappeared from my account, I did challenge mode gold on my rogue in misf of pandaria, I used the normal transmog until the beginning of the legion expansion when I stopped playing and came back only at the end, when I came back I was already without my transmog, I have the achievement, the mounts, but the transmog disappeared from my list and I can’t buy it from the npc with any rogue on my account.
You’re gonna have to open a ticket. None of us can do anything about it…and you’re unlikely to randomly have a Blue come by and respond.
I’ve been trying to recover CM gold transmog since the end of Legion, countless tickets all with the same programmed response from them saying they can’t do anything, and it got to the point where a GM said he wouldn’t respond to this matter anymore, here I am, I made CM gold at the time, with great difficulty, I had my rewards until one of them disappeared from my account without explanation.
Did you delete the character who completed it? That’s the one who needs to be submitting the ticket. Restore the character if needed, log into it, and then see if it can buy the pieces before trying any other characters.
General Discussion won’t do any good.
If you move this over to the Customer Support forums, maybe one of the staff members there will be able to look into it for you. No promises that they can help, but I have seen them help some other players with various problems.
Its a bit of a coinflip. I lost all of my garrosh heirlooms barring the ones with the " mythic" tag. I couldn’t get them back till remix.
CM mode shouldn’t have this issue though as the vender scans to see if you have the feat of strength.
Are you sure you are at the right vendor?
I created this topic more as a rant because there are several tickets to try to resolve and nothing, what irritates me the most is how something that is in your account can simply disappear and no GM can solve the problem, there is nothing they can do
At least you didn’t lose thousands in gold value of items stored in a guild bank. Blizz essentially told those folks “sorry, our bad, but we can’t fix that.”