Challenge Mode Apperances

Literally just checked, they’re recolors, but very similar models.

They are not recolors.

is not the same as

With just a recolor. A very important aspect is missing. I will concede its mostly the same.

But its not just a recolor.


Shaman is a bit different because of the shoulders. For most classss though it’s pretty much the same models.

It’s accurate. The Class Hall sets are recolored and watered down versions of the MoP Challenge Sets. Some are good and look close to the original. While others, like the DK Class Hall set, look like garbo next to the challenge set.

I like how you said that “Its accurate that the legion class sets are ONLY recolors” and back it up by saying that they are “recolored AND watered down versions”.

I am saying that they are not recolors. Recolor = same exact set with a different color.

If you change anything on the set, its not just a recolor. That is my point.

If you want the CM set, you aren’t going to be happy with the legion set.

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Well it’s late at night and im tired. So i didnt read that post properly. My bad lol.

But regardless they share a similar model base. I think the Pally and Warrior Class Hall sets look pretty decent and hold up to the original CM set. But man, that DK set lol. Why’d they have to saw off all the horns?

Yeah, a few of the sets definitely were…watered down a lot. missing some key aspects of the CM set that made the CM sets cool.

Regardless, if the treatment was given to pandaria, why not Draenor? Clearly the pandaria ones didn’t cause THAT much of stir, since most people didn’t even notice.

Give us recolors, or watered down versions. Either way, it’s better than letting those awesome weapon concepts fester and rot.

hey, if you are willing to have anything unique from the wod weapons stripped away and watered down…so much to the point most people don’t even realize that they are based on them…because they look so bad.


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Ive just always been against time specific challenges that never re-open. Make it annual or something.

Make it as hard as you darned well please, but don’t just say “you can’t get it because you didn’t try THEN”

Even the most impressive items in Vanilla WoW: Sulfuras, Thunderfury, Etc. You could always GET them. they were just hard as nails.

The Black Market Auction house would be the ideal place for them. Given that’s its JOB.

Hard pass. Let people have their trophies, they earned them

Make new CMs, new MTs. Dont diminish those that did them when they were current

Here’s an idea, time walking challenge.

Blizz develops a challenge that is somehow extensible to future expacs (dosen’t have to be old challenges) and if you beat the challenge get a choice in old challenge items.

Maybe limit it to being able to complete the challenges once a year to help keep rarity up?

No thanks. Its impossible to balance it correctly since specs have been completely revamped. Just make new ones. The ones ones are gone for good, and theyve made no hints at ever bringing them back

Except they rehashed the pandaria ones, my guy. We’ve been over that already.

If you want the trophy, you should be able to earn it. even if it’s hard as hell.

I can go do the MoP CMs right now?

You did have the chance. Its come and gone

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Your Order Hall. It’s a Rehashed version, but it’s there.

But equal treatment for draenor is too much to ask i guess.

So no? I cant do the actual MoP CMs?

Thats fine tbh. Id hate to ruin the accomplishment of those that completed such a task. Good on them

Hard pass. Blizzard can’t make challenging timewalking content without severely nerfing it in the process. And if they have to change it to adhere to the new class design, then it’s not the original challenge but people are reaping the rewards from it as if they were.

Then give me a rehash or a recolor. Don’t just let the design go to waste because I didn’t have a guild back then. :confused:

If they did it for pandaria, Make it equal treatment.

It didnt go to waste. It went to those who completed the task