Oof. Not just a racist but a blatant, shameless racist. Blizz, are you really going to let this zoophobic flaunt her intolerance so openly?
I bet you are really into Vulpera. I new it. You like to do angry Chihuahuas. I know you said you like Pandas but they to big for you tiny Goblins. Pandas would squish you.
Not into shortstacks, but I wouldn’t date an IRL dwarf either. It’s okay to have preferences provided you’re not also a blatant intolerant POS. What will you do when aliens arrive on earth for the first time? Picket outside the White House about them damn dirty illegals?
I might send you a notification about the Aliens arrival. Seeing that you like exotic creatures. Maybe you can hook up?
Are you telling me you wouldn’t hook up with an asari? I bet you have white wallpaper too.
Ahem. Perhaps you should play a warlock. You know, Warlocks have these pets. Ahem, You can have a succubus or a incubus to have romantic evening with. They would be with you all the time. Just imagine that! You would be so happy…I guess?
If not for the whole soul stealing thing, I’d frick a succubus.
Tricking is a succubus’s profession. Don’t try to play the player. Succubus’ will win that game. Succububi , now those have an agenda.
There are no moral/social implications. This would be like yelling at someone for wearing shorts when it’s 100 degrees outside. This isn’t the 1800s, skin isn’t taboo and Blizzard shouldn’t cater to people who act like it is. That is, in essence, body shaming.
What historic significance can be applied to magic in war? Dragons? Turning myself into a giant brain?
Has nothing to do with that for me. I find bulky armor unrealistic that people would wear that in combat where they have to do acrobatic dodges. I don’t imagine someone using a bow would use massively bulky chestpieces.
Except it doesn’t. By forcing all female avatars to be fully clothed and wearing bulky armor, they’d be telling women that it’s not okay to be confident about your body.
99% of the time when these threads come up, people say the same thing - we want more skimpy male outfits. Most of the time when they make an outfit show skin on a female toon, it gets covered up on a male toon. It’s a double standard they need to fix.
The solution isn’t removing the ability to show skin on female toons, it’s making it equal and allow men to show skin as well. As you are essentially saying men can’t be proud of their bodies too.
Clear and to the point. Thank you for your opinion.
should female character show nipples without chest gear?
Tauren Females are covered in fur. Those wouldn’t be visible on a Tauren female. Just look at a druid’s animal forms also. Nothing is exposed because they are covered in fur. Well, really the private parts are just not drawn in by the artists.
As far as Humans and other races in wow that are not covered in fur. Then the answer is no. The character is showed completely nude would not display any private parts. They would look like Barbie and Ken Dolls. That’s because of Blizz’s policies.
On the other hand; There are other MMORPG games that are Ao or R rated out there, that do have full nudity. Both for male and female characters. And yes they display all private parts. I guess it all depends on how much freedom the developer has decided to allow.
Well then. If all characters in World of Warcraft are not graphically created to have anatomically correct private parts. And fully nude look like Barbie and Ken dolls. Then what is the big controversy? For all intents and purposes they are all gender-less.
No I find the chain mail bikini or any exposed skin on female characters to be totally haram and I think all femal Armour should be in the traditional niqab
Your the literal reason why the term “party pooper” exists…it sounds like you take life WAY too seriously and never have fun and ruin everyone’s day. Your also one-track minded so anyone else’s view is horrible to you.
So ok I have my faults. I guess that’s why I don’t have any friends. So…?
Never has been, never will be
There are tons and tons of dark, mature content here and there
Just because they went almost full-cartoony in Mists of Pandaria (to the point where it gave me one less reason to stay subbed in 2012) doesn’t diminish what is definitely NOT kid-friendly in other parts of the game
If they want to redesign ALL of that to be more “family-friendly,” people like me will outright stop playing, so Blizzard would then have to decide; us or them? (And the kiddos usually don’t have their own debit / credit cards, for that matter)
I don’t care what you’re transmogging to be honest.
Yes, player choice is always a good thing. If your BE, NE or panda babe can slay in a chain mail bikini, who am I to judge?
I would like to see more of that stuff but knowing blizzard and other half of the community they don’t wanna see anything that is sexual in nature or just adult in general in WoW even through they created diablo… Oh Diablo is getting censored? Well darn.