Chain Lighting next?

The new Shammy animations are gorgeous! Especially Lightning Bolt and Crash Lightning!

It’s a shame that we’re not getting a Chain Lightning update as well. It looks so bad and so dated with the current animation. When it zigzags you can actually see the blue line disconnect from the previous segment.

It’s arguably the most iconic visual of the shaman class and it needs some new life brought into it with an animation update.

Please consider updating it in the near future rather than having us wait a year or two.

That’s all. Much love. Keep up the great work.


I think the actual animation is still cool, just need to be more high def imo.

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I don’t know, I’m not a big fan. I think it should be a lot more than just a thin blue line that connects the mobs. It needs more flare in my opinion.

I don’t mind the animations, but I hate the sound.

They keep trying to update it but every time they do it’s worse than the current version and players complain until its reverted. Never makes it out of the PTR.

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