Chain crashing

Is anyone else suddenly having chain crashing? I was on earlier and didn’t have a problem. Logged off to do some adulting, logged back in and now it just keeps crashing over and over. Sometimes I have done nothing other than start cleaning out my bags. Other times I’ve been flying to a quest or scouting for quest mobs to spawn.

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I disconnected 3x in a row this morning and now that character is bricked. Never loads in now. I’m just gonna delete it, start over.

Beta times :rofl:

I’ve been having this problem every night since beta started. Right now, trying to do the quest Titanic Failsafe & I’ve been d/c 3 times in a row. I know it’s beta but I don’t remember having such a rough time with d/c in Dragonflight beta. Hoping it straightens out soon. :crossed_fingers:

I see app crashes (the grey wow error) often when I do stuff in my inventory, or just open bags.

It’s better today, but in some locations it just keeps crashing. I have noticed it happening when mobs are respawning or when a trinket procs. Not sure if it’s coincidence or just an overload when those things happen. I just keep reporting it in the crash window.

Beta be Beta. There are times that I can barely stay on to test anything. I just go find other things to do.

Beta things, but yeah. I’ve had a lot of client crashes while trying to accept quests.

I’ve had a few macros instantly crashing (SV CA/KS macros) and I just decided I can live without them.

I’m chain crashing on any character I send to Isle of Dorn. I’ve caught a memory leak red handed (something about MapDecal) but I’ve sent my concerns to both the “what crashed you” window and the front-warband load screen “issues” report and


all I can do is pray they find it quickly enough for me to test anything real.

I believe most of the crashes are all UI activity related.

After the last update, crashing wow.exe by opening my bags can still be reproduced (client version

Yeah, it got better for awhile, but it’s back now. Sometimes I can play for awhile, other times it crashes as soon as I load in. Noticing it is far worse in dungeons right now. I’m not running any addons. Going to check for some driver updates and such and see if that helps. But this is a relatively new, custom built PC with a GEForce GTX and tons of memory, and it doesn’t ever happen live, so it’s definitely something with beta. It happened a ton when DF released too. I’m sure they will figure it out soon.

Found another one:

App crash on turning in the campaign quest “Strategic Edge”, when mouse hovering over quest rewards to show details. This crash is reproducible.

Currently this is a game breaking bug for me, because I cannot turn in that quest successfully, which prevents continuing the campaign.


Disabled all addons, did wow repair, retried turning in the campaign quest “Strategic Edge” - still crashing with access violation.

Class is Evoker - in case the quest rewards for this class are bugged.

Report ID: 37C00C55-FD0F-41F2-9158-9F67D9D68311