CFO bonus and lay offs

You’re either trolling, or don’t realize you don’t know what Socialism is, much less the difference between it and Democratic Socialism, or the Nordic model of same.

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You’re portraying high-profile anecdotes as the norm, and wildly, wildly, wildly oversimplifying the disparate landscape of companies in the U.S.

No it’s not.

You’re comparing a metric derived from varying sources using varying methodologies accounting for different types and elements of compensation. I won’t argue that there is significant and real disparity in financial compensation and wealth accumulation in the U.S., but it has become highly distorted in its depiction, and the “solutions” rarely address its actuality.

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To claim the position of CFO isn’t important or that it is useless just really spotlights how truly ignorant you are. It is one of the top positions in companies and carries a whole hell of a lot of responsibility and accountability. This is precisely why much of his sign on bonus is directly tied to his performance at ATVI going forward and make no mistake about it if he doesn’t perform he will be tossed out on his rear and WILL NOT get the rest of his 12+ million bonus.

They literally said they are boosting profits by cutting labor. You people need to stop pretending you have caught Activision-Blizzard doing something sneaky. They straight up said what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Also it is very, very unlikely that Durkin himself decided on any of these measures given how recent he has taken on this position again. So no, the bonus isn’t why the layoffs are happening not to mention the fact his sign on bonus relies entirely on long term performance of ATVI as a company and its stock value. No one at ATVI is at all concerned with short term and whatever “quick bucks” you people think they are going for.

Who the hell are you or anyone else to decide how much someone’s work is valued? Don’t like how these companies do business? STOP DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM. You and the others circle jerking over this news have done nothing but whine and moan and bellyache about how terrible this game is and how terrible a company Blizzard Entertainment is yet have spent the whole time paying them money month after month year after year expansion after expansion. All the prattling on about how customers should be treated better and companies should be less “greedy” doesn’t ring true when you people are directly financially supporting the behavior you want them to change.

In essence, sit down and shut the hell up already.


I’ve been a game developer for 20 years. The best CFO in the world can’t save a game publisher if people don’t want to buy their games anymore.


They can do plenty of harm, though.

I know some people who worked for a developer who, a few years ago, published a very successful triple-A title. The CFO then shut down the development studio branch and laid off the entire team (over a hundred people). Then she had the nerve to get up in front of the annual meeting and brag about how much money she saved by shutting down the development studio, while also bragging about how much money they made from sales of that studio’s title.

Two years later, the CEO got up and gave a speech about how they didn’t have a good year because they had no new titles to publish.

What did the CFO say? Oh, she was long gone by that point, moved on with a golden parachute to ruin somebody else’s company.


That’s exactly what millions of people have been doing the last 5 years. Hence Blizzard’s current problems.


This kind of thing has been explained many times, it probably isn’t worth trying to educate people anymore. They believe what they want to believe no matter how ignorant it is. A lot of people in this thread seem to think ceo’s/cfo’s just sit around all day making money while the “peons”, as they call them, do all the work.


I’m sorry when did Activision-Blizzard, Activision, or Blizzard Entertainment ever claim this guy as CFO will save any game much less Wow? I don’t care what your experience is because what you are saying is ignorant and has absolutely zero basis in reality.

In fact those of you attributing this CFO’s hiring to issues with Wow need a serious, serious reality check. The last CFO they had was fired due to violating the terms of his contract at ATVI and this was who they decided would be a better fit. It has NOTHING to do with anyone’s petty issues with this game or any of Blizzard’s or Activison’s games needing “saving”.

I’m just absolutely done with you concern trolls who constantly wax poetic about “gamers designing games for gamers” and that any desire for profit means a game can’t be good when the fact of the matter is all game developers and game development companies want to make a profit and yes that indeed includes those at Silicon & Synapse, Inc (the original company Morhaime founded in 1991 and every incarnation of said company has been owned by another company since 1994).

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They didn’t. Nor did I claim anyone did. Look at what you just quoted. I said the game PUBLISHER.

Says the guy who can’t even read what he quoted.


The new CFO had that position for years at ATVI 2012-2017 and somehow Wow and Blizzard Entertainment survived. Honest to god you people need a perm ban for the incessant posting in bad faith whenever anything happens financially at Blizzard Entertainment or ATVI simply because of petty issues with a video game. Anyone seriously interested in the game improving would actually discuss the game and not play armchair businessman. This is just sour grapes.

I have my own issues with the game but this just isn’t and never has been an effective way of addressing game design issues with wow.

ATVI is more than Blizzard Entertainment. You understand this right? And this doesn’t address my point in how you and the usual crowd of malcontents on these forums scream about consumer rights while paying a company you people claim is taking advantage of consumers for YEARS. YOU are the problem. YOU are financially rewarding Blizzard for doing things you don’t like.

As terrible and evil as ATVI or Blizzard Entertainment and EA and whatever else company might be, bad consumers are just as harmful if not more so than these companies.

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Well be prepared for the outcome. No bully has ever outrun karma, just saying.
I’m surprised you still hold firmly onto an idealism like that, didn’t you say you were injured? perhaps disabled? How’s that working out for you?

If you also want insane communist that’ll love to tax you death (Many of them wanting a tax rate of 50 to 85%), take away many of your freedoms (Right to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of Religion and Press), destroy jobs and communities (Ignoring basic infrastructure in favour of baby killing), oh and kill babies, also vote democrat in 2020! Nothing like supporting insane communist that kill babies!

But if you love babies, jobs, communities, freedoms, and more! Continue to vote for Papa Trump. You don’t want your country to become France or Sweden.

To truly save WoW, just unsub and let them bleed until they either die or change the game and clean up their act.


Nah, not me. I’m a retired Marine but went out the door in relatively good shape, all things considered. Good job trying to take a shot at the other wounded vet in the thread though. I bet his idealism is just fine, and I don’t even know the man.


Too bad Hillary isn’t running again /wink wink

Hey bud, go look at campaign contributions for 2008 when there was an election with a real liberal (Obama) versus a real conservative (McCain). Not a sorta , kinda liberal, corporate (Clinton) versus a sorta, kinda conservative (Trump) election like 2016.

I know. Guess they got tired of her as their great female hope and wanted to move on to others. She has too much baggage. That new lineup though… lol…

So a government paycheck every two weeks. Nothing wrong with that.

Is that supposed to be an example of Blizzard being a right-leaning company? I’m not sure what the point was of showing what 4 employees political contributions were.

Blizzard Entertainment: Kyle Harrison, Technical Artist $500, Mike Huckabee ® Christopher Ryder, 3D Artist $500, Ron Paul ® Jesse McCree, Video Game Designer $250, Ron Paul ®

TOTAL: $1,250 to Republicans

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This is nothing new. Welcome to reality kids.