So when do we stop calling it Activision-Blizzard and just go with Activision
I said ‘save WoW’. Not the country. By putting the power back in the hands of the developers…obviously.
Yes. And Trump gives them his full support. Did you not read his tax plan? Azerite gear and warfronts were clearly spelled out.
Of course it will have an effect. That’s the point. It will fund programs that actually help society and put more money in my pocket. And no. You can’t have any.
#SylvanaasForWarchief doesn’t count.
What you call cluelessness, others call insight. Not many others…but still.
Isn’t that considered a common and good business practice in the US? More common at banks though innit?
Same here, as a fellow libertarian, I also voted for neither. I too voted but not for those clowns. Funny how people on both sides keep blaming each other while those of us screaming about “crony cap” vs “capitalism” are ignored. The stunning ignorance of people that think we “have capitalism” is amazing.
You mean Trump’s theft cuts, right?
That’s because a lot of ignorant people don’t believe there is a difference between crony Capitalism and Capitalism.
Isnt it ironic that most of the biggest offenders of Crony Capitalism are on the left,(many investigations done and prove this, take that James Brown wannabee), and they are all sitting in DC!
Investigations show that it is FAR more rampant on the left in DC.
Ok im outta here. Done being on for serving, and getting disabled for life serving my country.
You are correct. I misread, my apologies.
That isnt even close to being correct.
As a fellow vet, I thank you for your service.
Welcome to Capitalism, where those who work the least make the most.
OMG its raining!!! DAMN you Trump!!!
If you read the article it’s not exactly what it says.
They gave him money as an incentive to come. The rest of that “bonus” is tied to performance. If the company does not perform he does not get.
The people laid off could easily be from under-performing areas. Whereas he was hired on to fix problems and plug holes.
Do you know how stressful that is? That guy is probably going to be working his butt off to meet goals.
Things aren’t black and white, and people with certain skillsets get paid. Not everyone can do everything.
But go ahead and armchair quarterback.
I wonder why AMericans need $15/ hour in some states to flip a burger.
Meanwhile i’m on a fixed income of less then 1000 a month and i get by just fine these people can piss right off.
You are very welcome.
I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Dang the consequences.
Ok what has he done ? Don’t know
How long has he been there and has he been there long enough to actually do any thing to help fix the financial aspects of Activision/Blizzard?
Well seeing that he took the job in January and it’s only February I doubt he has had any time to do any thing in regards to the financial aspects of Activision /Blizzard yet. Now as far as some of those people losing jobs according to a PC Gamer article on the subject . Employees were being paid to leave so in other words they got a severance package and not just a shove out the door.
What do people expect , results over night? If they do they have no real sense of reality.
Not saying I disagree with you; I’m 100% Democrat given the current state of politics, but the WoW forums really aren’t the place for someone to tell others how they should vote. That’s a deeply personal decision to make.
This is not an uncommon thing in the gaming industry unfortunately.
But I think it’s very important to keep an open mind, I mean I know look for the simple reason to everything, but in reality it could be due to any number of factors.
I mean if there’s an economic recession going on for example, less people might be able to afford to play, which is not really the result of any decision the company makes.
Majority of the people don’t have a job that could make or break a company.