CFO bonus and lay offs

The $15 million compensation package must be nice.

This is what’s known as the Bill Gates or Steve Jobs defense. Right wing nonsense that defends the super rich abusing their workers to enrich themselves with the fantasy that ANYONE can get rich, they just have to be smarter, work harder, and pull themselves up by their boot straps.

Sure some RARE few CEOs out there have created something amazing, “even if they stole most of it,” and worked their butts off, but the vast majority of the top 0.1% of the world inherited their wealth. They did nothing to earn it, and they don’t deserve it for winning the birth lottery.


You didnt answer my question.

If I start a company, and it does well, is it wrong that I’d give myself millions?

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If you laid off a thousand employees that year because your business wasn’t doing well enough? Yes.


You don’t start a business to take care of people. You start a business to make money. If you’re shelling out expenses from your own pocket to take care of others, you aren’t really meeting your goal , are you?


If your business isn’t successful enough to pay it’s employees, and you’re still taking huge bonuses, then the success of your business obviously isn’t your goal.


This was going on before Trump. Quit using him as an excuse.


It’s not as simple as that. Businesses can still be profitable, but not meeting expectations is a reality. Sometimes investments are made in different areas hoping those areas will yield better return. When those areas don’t meet expectations, cuts have to be made. It isn’t “nice,” but it’s business. Good businesses are always adjusting.

Saying, “He’s making millions while firing people” is lying by omission. There’s more to the story than just being greedy. It’s a matter of doing what’s right for the company. How many papers print stories when a business hires a thousand workers? Some. How many print during a layoff? A lot more.

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Unemployment is down under Trump… But sure, spread lies.


The CFO bonus and the lay offs are completely unrelated to each other. There’s no reason to discuss a topic like this further.

It’s like saying “I dislike apples because oranges taste so good.” When in reality, many people love (or hate) both. Regardless of whether the CFO got a bonus, the layoffs would have occurred because Destiny 2’s IP was sold off and all of the support positions for the game can’t be moved elsewhere.

As has already been mentioned, the bonus doesn’t even work the way you are claiming it does. They didn’t merely give a flat $15,000,000 to the CFO. When you get your facts straight about at least some of this, then it might be worth discussing, because I’m not really a fan of bonuses that huge given to people on a whim, but discussing it out of context is ludicrous.


How is it right for the company to pay out millions of dollars in bonuses when you can’t afford hundreds of thousands in salaries?


Because not all of those workers are benefiting the company. That’s just part of the way markets function. Those jobs aren’t always needed. It’s like when the price of oil plummets. Many oil workers get laid off. It’s not good business to keep them employed, because they actually cost more than they bring in. Now eventually, the market will recover, and they’ll get their good paying jobs back.

Meanwhile, consumers are happy when prices plummet. They consume more, prices go up, and workers get their jobs back. It’s a beautiful thing the way supply and demand works.

I know what you’re saying. Why is the rich guy getting richer? Because his contribution to the company is unique and his skillset isn’t as easily copied by any schlubb off the street.

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How is it right for a company to keep a lot of jobs they don’t need?

Just want to say… a lot of you people suck.

First - the man at the top, getting a $15M “gimme” that he can cash out in a year is the proverbial golden parachute. It reeks of the dot-com era.

Second - folks are going to lose their jobs. Have a little compassion for them about this situation. I have very little love for the direction WoW is headed right now, and yes, I’d love to see some changes in the leadership for WoW… but many of you need to show a modicum of decency for these folks.

Game companies are seriously corrupt businesses. The people working the hardest (testers, developers, artists) have their passion used against them - it defies logic that anyone would work in these situations but that passion fills so many gaps for these folks that they tough it out to be part of that game.

So, Blizz, I’m grumpy about a lot of stuff you’ve done but I hope you all fair well - and if you’re asked to leave, I only wish you the best. There are plenty of companies hiring, maybe even in Irvine, and I’m happy to connect you if I can, and if it helps. Just drop me some in-game mail.

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You don’t. But you don’t pay out million dollar bonuses at the same time when your excuse for the layoffs isn’t that the people weren’t needed, but because stock prices were down.

It’s easy to say how you’d allocate resources if you were calling the shots when you don’t have that responsibility. It’s easy to speak in platitudes about how you’d keep people employed and withhold bonuses when you’re not in charge.


I haven’t seen Blizzard state that they are lay offing people based on their stock market ticker.

“Only gets 3.2 million”…

Only? Lulz

Not if you make it so that if they want to do that, they have to be taxed 70%+ of the wealth they made in the US before moving to another economy. Hell they do it now anyway to keep more of their money from what little they get taxed now. Wouldn’t really be considering this if they weren’t using so many loop holes to keep their wealth.

Well the facts are about 80% less than the misinformation people are spreading. If facts don’t matter, why stop at “15 million dollar bonus”. Why not say “80 million dollar bonus”? Both are wrong.

If you want to be mad he got a bonus. Go for it. At least be mad at factually accurate things, though.