hi I do not know why it’s so hard to find people doing heroics/mythic/raids on our timezone… but we have a guild who is trying to grow to accommodate any timezone close to ours:
- Timezone: CET +1 (EST+6) Group/Raid times: M-F (7pm-12pm (CET+1) OR 1pm-7pm EST)) SAT/SUN 10 am - ~ CET +1 (4PM EST)
- Days: still figuring this out but any for now
- Guild Name: BrothersTrust
- Server: Stormscale
- Active: Daily.
- Who we are: We are a group who is progressing and learning the game. We are friendly, helpful but most of all a family-type atmosphere. We are thirsty to learn and to progress. We have a few high level (380) characters and looking for more. Bring alts but we are indeed active. Please come and support us and try us out !
- Needed Roles: We are seeking all roles but for now… we need a rally lead and all others, and trying to get a group together so we can define the times. (edited)
- Composition: We have a HP, SP, Ele sham, Guardian Druid, Dev Evoker … these are the 5 mains. alts we have a large amount of alts. So as you can see we are looking to build up
- Rules: No Drama
- Contact : Fleigen-Stormscale(my main) or Stripeman#1430 (Battletag)