Center City Org filled with annoying NPC Trading Post chatter

If you’re at the main Org AH your chat window is filled with terrible NPC dialogue written by corny writers trying to be funny

Instead it just fills up the chat window endlessly for the times I want to see other people talking/trading.

Let me mute them forever. No reason to keep forcing this slop into my chat feed.



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I found them cute the first couple times but at this point I’ve seen each exchange at least 4 or 5 times and it’s a bit tedious.


People been begging for a way to report/mute NPCs who break the chat spam rule ever since rhonin in northrend xD. Probably some addon for it but usually my go-to solution is to move my trade/general to a different window or just get out of there (though it being in central org is really dumb I’d agree)

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I like being reminded that Mankrik has moved on and found love again. What a character arc.


Of all the annoying NPC chatter, I thought the main one would be walking into the drag and just hearing, oh it started vibrating.

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It’s why I put NPC dialog in a separate window.

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Seeing it multiple times makes no sense. Hope they remove it

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