Centaur Allied Race

So… a horse-human shifting into a human to ride a horse makes more sense than a tauren Druid shifting into a bear in this universe?

Hmm k.

They are not Horse Humans. They are ugly Cenariuses.

Rogue centaurs needs be in the game Mortis is a genius

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If quilboar got model updates than it’s only a matter of time for centaur and gnolls.

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I don’t believe there are existing animations for all the player abilities on that model. That would mean they wouldn’t be an “Allied” race. Those are the ones Blizz only needs to reskin, invent racials, and release- everything else is done.

edit: This is important because after seeing so many new races added, players may forget that that was only possible (with little work) because most of the work was already done. New player models require a lot more work, best to not confuse the conversation.

Kul Tirans got an entirely original model that isn’t a reskin of anything. They are still an Allied Race.

“Allied Race” simply means “Unlockable Race”. That’s all.


An interesting proposal… However, Centaur and Dryads might be the only races to NOT be permitted to use mounts other than flying mounts.

Let’s dissect a bit about Centaur anatomy. They have the back end of a horse. This means the vast majority of mounts would be off-limits to them. Especially most 2-seaters. Mounts that transform you however would be permissible. A compromise for this would be something akin to a travel form ability that is learned for flying, and once they can learn how to mount, they can rear up and set off in a gallop!

A bonus for playing Centaur is you can also allow your non-centaur friends hop on your horse butt. This would be similar to the Worgen racial ability “Running Wild”. However would pack the added benefit of allowing a friend to mount up on YOU! So let’s say you’re already at 100% mount speed, but you got a friend to finally join, HOWEVER, they are level 1, and can’t find where to go! Simple! Bring your equine-behind to the starting location and meet your newly recruited friend there! So you can speed up the leveling process for your newly recruited friend too!

Centaur leg armor would be tricky… That being, the lower half of pants would be added, with the butt-covering area no doubt being tweaked into looking more akin to a saddle or blanket. Robes would have to be modified to look more like an overhanging blanket. Boots would have to look more like the way they’re designed for troll or Tauren feet.

Mainly, leg armor would need new models. The textures would have to be redone if anything, or resemble butt-less chaps, maybe only the thighs covered… Which would be a LOT of work for Blizzard unless they designed the textures to work a certain way…

Flight form? Well, considering the druidic roots of Centaurs, a flight form like a whisp form like Night Elves, or a bird form for Centaurs would be applicable, though it would have to look more akin to a scavenger.

The biggest pain of it would be to update the entire Centaur model to focus on the point of making it a playable race. Including a variety of faces, body markings, piercings, tusks, etc.

An interesting proposal… I’d rather ogres in the Horde first.

I’d like for Centaurs to join the Horde, and that would be cool, BUT, i seem to recall killing a LOT of Centaurs during Vanilla.

That’s fine. I recall killing a lot of Mag’har Orcs in WoD yet here we are :smiley:

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I’ll only approve of centaur rogues if their stealth is slightly worse than everyone else’s. CLOP CLOP CLOP CLOP CLOP “What was that right there?” exclamation points above NPC’s ensue

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Contrary to popular belief, hooves are no impediment to Roguing. Man’ari Eredar and Grimtotem Tauren have lots of Rogues. A little bit of fabric glued under the hooves is all you need to end any would-be “clop clop” noises.

The real reason why Tauren and Draenei can’t be Rogues is because the Rogue class is an honor-less class of criminals, scoundrels, thieves and murderers. The problem isn’t in the Draenei. The problem is in the Rogue Class.

In fact, both those Races can roll the other Class with Stealth: Hunters.

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OK, new question. Let’s say they created a new, offshoot race of centaurs/dryads/keepers that were exactly the same aesthetically except bipedal (basically satyrs but not evil). Would that satisfy the interest in these races? or is 4 legs a necessary component?

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Neigh :horse:

A bipedal Dryad is just a Night Elf lol

4 legs is good. It’s their appeal. I feel like the best solution is to make them four legged and give them a Racial where they use Druidic Magics (either they cast it or they use an amulet or something) to shapeshift into bipedal forms for mount riding.

But combat should be done in four legs.

Pacing is king when it comes to comedy. And that’s a good punchline if I ever saw one.


Bring on the sexy horse girls.


I hate it when I’m so obviously wrong. Thank you.


: )

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I am happy to help :smiley:

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How about making a pairing on Alliance? So in some patch Horde gets Centaurs and Alliance gets Keepers of the Grove/Dryads (gender specific).

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And on the Alliance side we got Dark Iron after kicking them out of Ironforge, killing numerous of their kind AND their emperor. :grinning:

Also pretty sure I’ve killed Moira on this character quite a few times. :sweat_smile:


You know… A female Centaur is called a “Centaurex”, and they too, like a Dryad, are Daughters of Cenarius, as much as male Centaurs and Keepers of the Grove, being the Sons of Cenarius.