Centaur Allied Race

That would be pretty excellent, i think a lot of people would roll a gnoll.

The Mongrel Horde was such a cool idea. Hopefully Blizzard shelved it with the intent of using the idea later.

Gaya’rah seems pretty ruthless and the opposite of Thrall (making her a proper orc). I wouldn’t be surprised if Thrall ends up having her ousted from the Horde. Perfect time for Blizzard to make the Mongrel Horde so she can wage war on the new home that wronged her.

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Please no :neutral_face:

Plot twist: Azuremyst Isle is pulled beneath the waves by her army of murlocs

I probably won’t see them in any different light.

No Centaurs.

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But… Dorthar… Dorthar is nice!

Everybody got together and became friends while teaching Dorthar how to fight!

Dorthar is friendship!

OK but have you looked at the Centaur model / animation quality lately? I just rode that centaur in desolace and I felt like I was peering through a looking glass into 1995.

I’m pretty sure I feel the same way about Centaur, that the night elves feel about forsaken.

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Actually now that I come back to this and think on it more, I disagree with this.

A whole race of horses? That has Alliance written all over it.

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Obviously they would have to make a new model lol

That’s the thing though: If the Alliance got a race of Wolves, the Orc mount, then the Horde should get a race of Horses.


They might have to give it knees this time. I think they hit the max skeleton joints at the time or something. It’s horrible.

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Same creek the Forsaken never got sent up?

That’s actually a good point :thinking:

Okay, I’m back in. Alliance needs Dryads though, preferably with their obnoxious high-pitched voice lines from Warcraft III added in directly to play at random during any combat.

“Hi there!”
“What is nature’s call?”
“What is nature’s call?”
“What is nature’s call?”
“What is nature’s call?”
“What is nature’s call?”
“What is nature’s call?”


It is a bit suspicious that they’re one of the last vanilla models that has seen basically no updates or reimaginings… almost like Blizzard is waiting for something.

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Yeah, Centaur and Tauren hate each other

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I seriously doubt Blizzard is going to ever add a race that has more or less than two legs. Centaurs would look ridiculous on vehicles and flight paths. Why add a race that couldn’t use the 610 mounts in the game? Or the hundreds of pants and shoe graphics? And two forms? They’re not worgens… that doesn’t make sense.

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I suggested a solution for that in the OP. They are children of Cenarius with an earth Elemental. Shapeshifting is not out of question.

And I addressed that. Two forms makes no sense, especially into a humanoid form. Just sounds like a lot of nonsense when there are tons of two-legged races in the game that wouldn’t have any of these problems.

A child of Cenarius shapeshifting into a 2 legged form to sit on a mount makes A LOT more sense than a giant cow man turning into a naked bear for protection.