Censorship + ban penalties isn't the answer

Boy, this is some thick irony right here


Didn’t you say not long ago that your own husband was permabanned without warning? A lot of players suddenly got hit out of nowhere in that ban wave.

This is old. But they did remove a number of references in the game that were intended to memorialize employees who later turned out to be predators. Mac’caree zone in Argus turned into Eredath, which was a better name.

It’s not… and NEVER will be. :person_gesturing_no:


If you want to know what’s wrong wit the world today, look no further then this comment.

Also, they didn’t change things because of “sexualization”. It was because of who created for the game and who it was representing in RL. If it was about sexualization, there would be several armor sets missing from game now.


I’m in favor of just /reporting people who are being offensive. There should be consequences for some of the crap people say in /trade.

I do agree that there should be a warning first, and they could also just flat take away your /trade access for some number of days. Then bans should happen and they should be longer than a day or two–at that point you’ve been warned.


Yeah that’s what I was referring to when I said this:

Plus I’m literally wearing thigh highs right now

Everyone knows that not of leg exposed between the skirt and the thigh highs is the hottest part


It’s more about the positive PR and how much automation can be done to make things as cheap as possible. The only solutions that will be implemented are the ones that save the company even more money.


This kinda stuff just goes to show that FFXIV > WoW


How so? Genuinely curious.

Does one preclude the other? Is this an “either or” or can it also be “both or neither”?

“I can’t call people vulgar, racist names without getting banned?! WHY IS BLIZZARD CENSORING PLAYERS?!?!”


I don’t think it’s always that extreme.

Let’s dispel some of this misinformation right now:

  1. There’s no such thing as an “immediate ban.” You can be squelched. But bans come from GMs.

  2. There absolutely are escalating penalties that can go from days to weeks to months to perma bans— but it’s dependent on what someone did as to how severe the punishment is.

  3. You can absolutely get the portion of the chat log linked to you if you appeal your sanction.

And 4… warnings are not logged into the system for GMs to see, therefor have no bearing on any sanctions you get later if you continue said behavior.


You are correct on the squelch vs ban. I think some just state this because they get squelched and during this time, they get unlucky and the robot who “looks” at it and decides his face isn’t the most competent team member and knee-jerk ban without even understanding all of what’s going on. So it’s just easier to shorten everything with “ban”. For most, it’s semantics, but we get what they mean.

The escalating will vary though. Appealing is still a waste of time.

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What makes me scratch my head in confusion is that they choose to censor content that they actually had to make a decision to put in the game.
I get it times change but it couldnʻt have been that bad if it actually got placed in the game in the first place.

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Likely a “do as I say, not as I do” thing?

Mediocre products is the best we can hope for as long as Blizzard worries about “the current thing” or anyone claiming victimhood status when they see or here something they don’t agree with. Even if its decades old. :skull_and_crossbones:

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And yet it was…

Those paintings that were changed? Changed due to the fact that they were modeled after female workers there. Two were left alone, because they were not portrayals of employees.


It’s become increasingly difficult to explain things to my kids in the world where more and more is considered “offensive”. I take caution on how I word things on this forum because your odds of being false flagged are much higher.