I remember you! Good times in bc!
Lots of familiar names in here!
Joined in late 06 on Cenarius…Didn’t really do much in Vanilla, but raided in BC with Caelitis in Omnis and Seven Deadly Sins as Elenir (Draenei hunter) and Stalaris (Human paladin) and in WOTLK with Whips and Chains.
Looking forward to classic…will be on Pagle to start!
Hey GT! We used to play all the time in LK, I think my toons were Cagura, Yutie, Starbrite, and Creampuffs. Would love to chat again. Add me on Bnet: Cagura#1534
Alayne - Human Shadow Priest
both guilds Driven and Order of Elders were homes of mine.
Switching over to Horde for Classic. Ironically, there is little point in trying to recreate the past, think do I. Learn and move forward, and there is plenty of 2004-6 to learn from for me.
Jaide - Night Elf Druid
I don’t even kind of remember the guild names I raided with. I spent a lot of time armor stacking and bear tanking Strat, UBRS, etc before that was really a thing. I recognize a lot of the names here which is pretty awesome, glad to see so many people still around
I was Neone, Druid.
Pretty @meera was in my guild when we merged in early BC. I was variously in , GM of and later .
I remember @Jaide was in guild with me at some point as well.
I remember raiding with you Syn! Pretty much with everything Legacy Reborn did right up till it merged with Pirate.
Oh, did not know that happened! I left LRB at the beginning of Burning Crusade when some of the raiders formed Praetorian Guard, although I didn’t go to PG myself until much later. I remember you too!
How could you forget Natsuki!! haha wasn’t she your in game wife?!
Hey guys,
This is Kharan. Was an officer of Eventide from the beginning of MC to mid-Nax. Was wondering if anyone knows if Ciderhelm would be back at all? Or does anyone from Eventide still remember me?
look who never stopped playing! LOL figures, here I am 80 and that was years after vanilla passed. You kept playing! Vanilla here we go !
i started vanilla pretty young, and was easily angered by rude people, since this was the first social experiences i had outside my irl friends group i started in 2005 at the age of 15. but have since grown as person, and learnt to deal with toxic players. I went by many names back in vanilla, but most know me as Nadian, the Warlock, a few knew me as Cill the hunter. others knew my priest: Lella. Cill and Lella no longer exist, but i still have my lock. i changed my hunter’s name from Cill to other names overtime.
raided with a guild back in the day, cant remember their name, but they were pretty awesome. before that tho, i was in a guild called The usual suspects, briefly on my hunter, and all i remember was that, one of the officers, didn’t like hearing that i was mentally ill player and still learning to socialize. kinda of silly to be honest, when i confided in him about it. but now its like it was just another experience for me. i left that guild, and remember joining another guild that plowed through pretty much every raid, i believe we were 30th in NA at the time. anyways, if you remember me hit me up on Myzrael or thalnos. i reserved Nadian on both.
LRB merged with Pirate just before the expansion to my knowledge and I raided a few times with them in AQ40 and Nax, I left the server at the start of Burning Crusade like a lot of people lol. Good to see ya though!
HI there!
So good to recognise some familiar guild names and characters, although it is taking a bit to jog the memory.
Hi Im Janala (original name) still have my name although a bit altered. I played or began my Wow journey on Cenarius as a Resto druid. I played in a guild called Crimson Storm initially, then made friends and raided with a few guilds sometimes as a healer, for eventide, seven deadly sins, and a few others. I am now on Dath’remar since they gave us aussie servers.
I do remember some hordey friends back then too, we use to invade each others cities and hang out lol Look forward to hearing everyones journey
hey gnometwinky! i was sneakitystab back then, you used to help me out and would also talk with my mom
@Kharan Siona might be playing with us
Hi Buddy:) Kessell here! I put that video on youtube lol!
Eternal Ascendants paladin:)
Aonarach, Jast, Lovebunny, Mise, Nessa , ive been wondering how everyone has been.
Played a human paladin named Baracks, was in LCN for the majority of Vanilla. I was 14 during vanilla so I don’t remember a whole lot of peoples names.
I was Rative, human warlock, officer in Ancients of Azeroth. Leveled up in Guardians of Twilight with Orcsbane and Tinuviel. AOA never competed with the likes of Black Tide, Afterlife, Heist, etc., as far as end-game progression went, but I was very proud of what our group accomplished in Vanilla and TBC, which included clearing AQ40 and at least one wing in Naxx 40 before everyone lost interest when TBC was announced.
Some guildies I can recall: Assabe, Catfishjon, Amerlynn, Shiven, Daavlod, Espartaco, Lazarus, Morphiebunny, Bevier (aka Beavernola), Frozenmage, Infinitus (went to Black Tide iirc), Vybunny, Pbmonkey, Drallion, Danalock, Cmorgan (aka Dirtmcgirt), Nienu, Sura, Magni (yes, really), Stabuen, Cekken, Suljaer, Hawks, Ebanks, Sebastian
I remember you in DE as your hunter. I was Reaper, NE Rogue in Dawn Eternal.