Cenarius Alliance Reconnections

Surprised you guys didn’t just transfer your characters off. How’s the balance on smolderweb?

~65/35 horde favored of course!

I’m on Earthfury now, it’s pretty much heaven over here, close to 50/50 and not overpopulated like the mega servers.

my name was creepmime i was a gnome rogue, im looking for a druid named belanus and a paladin named saga (who used to play americas army with me as well) hit me up on discord Bossmage#7124

anyone else remember when biny from afterlife got banned/suspended for blowing up auction house with baron bomb?

Garuda and i was in Heist

Wow! I finally got back into this and like all the guilds and 25-30% of the toons names ring some bell at the back of my mind.

I just wonder if anyone remembers me or any of my toons since I stopped playing in WOLK.

I played as cowofshadow, shadowsend, and dunpil.
I can’t recall which guilds which toon ended up in but I think Afterlife, The Sundering, The Dark Empire, Pink? something or other, Spirit of Excellence, and The Crying Spire.

Some of the things I remember back in the early days was the multi day AV (or so it seemed). Flax blinking hopping or just somehow getting up on random impossible things to rain ice down on the horde. Cinderhelm running UBRS after UBRS and taking the time to help new tanks figure it out. Duel offs in Tanaris pre AQ opening were we would meet the horde in a large circle and pvp or have dance off’s or other random BS for kicks. Fighting the horde guild “The Cow Bell Compels You” Over and over in WSG.

In BC I ran a nightly heroic Coilfang on my druid were we would clear all 3 heroic coilfang dungeons in under an hour.

Good times.

I was also in Saints and Sinners!! Akilleez! Looking for SrJonny and Cher (two of the GMs)!

Ahhh, the Weaksauce!!! i remember the many raids together bud, Loganex here, your fellow hunter from S&S

Hey Meera not sure if you remember me but i am on Atiesh too! hope all is well.

So TBC is now coming out - currently a tauren druid on Westfall, but looking for people I used to know to possibly play with? I have no issues with a dark portal pass if people are alliance instead…

Was Shion a warlock?

Shroomkin, Balord, Phooey, Typherious, Mageddon. Hopefully that rings a bell with someone out there.

I remember you as well, the guild name Pirate sounds super familiar to me too!

WotLK is my favorite WoW Expansion, and what I played the most.
I was a Draenei Death Knight (Usually played off-tank, but also played unholy DPS). My character’s name was Enojado.
My brother, his wife, and I headed up an Alliance Guild on Cenarius called “Mafia”. He played a prot pally and she was a marks hunter. We mostly played Naxx but were getting into ICC runs pretty consistently by the time there were some non-game issues and my bro/his wife separated.
There was a crazy kid from Canada (Jason) that used to play enhancement shaman, I remember he used to do shots if/when we’d wipe. We also had a slew of amazing folks that would run with us weekly. My favorite thing about our guild was that we were relaxed but still progressed well and mostly just had a ton of fun together. It was some pretty great times.

Around 2008 I stopped playing consistently and only recently started back up. If there are any old Mafia friends out there, my wife and I are running a Classic WotLK Guild along with her best friend - Liches Get Stitches. If you want to play Horde this time around and relive things, we’re striving for the same laid-back vibe Mafia used to be so well-known for.

Dato here. Played a NE feral druid from the beginning because I loved the druid from Diablo online. Even stubbornly played feral from vanilla until it actually became cool. Was in Knights who say Ni, then Disavowed for our first Ragnaros kill. Eventually wound up in Focus in TBC. Cleared BT and stopped playing shortly after sunwell came out. Ill be rolling a new toon on Myzrael and getting in touch with Disavowed soon. Recognize so many names from this thread.

SYN! Where are you playing now?

I remember seeing you in IF and looking up to you so much, hoping to get your gear, which I think I eventually got. But always loved seeing you.