Cenarion Circle Horde Reconnections

I remember the sisterhood! A funny incident with a member of the Sisterhood and myself lead to the eventual dissolution of my guild, Dreadforged Pact! What good RP times.

Wakishaki - Troll Hunter - Rank 11(?)

First guild War Chasers (PvP guild) with Korica, Faradn, Bartons, Dragren, etc.

Second guild Dreadforged Pact (raiding guild)

Looking forward to playing on the NA RPPvP server. Happy times everyone, it was nice sharing a server with you all


PS: Any Kaos Knights here? ^___^

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Vidya - Undead Warlock - Sin After Sin
Any other supporters of the yellow out there?


Sirtec, Grim Maw Clan and raiding with “the cartel”
Looking for Maulrush, Gothmaug, Zeik, Crev, Achren, Roxanne, Mathias, Souleater, Fragal, Ghormaug

Niteki, rank 10 undead rogue(pvped a lot) played in Grim Maw Clan and raided with “the cartel.”

Also was in Desperate, Unforgiven, and I feel as though there were definitely more.


Agarasana - Orc Shaman and my buddy Witehorn - Tauren Warrior were regulars on CC until they opened up the free realm transfers in WOTLK and we moved to Winterhoof.

I was a big time noob but he was good about dragging me along for raids even though I was not good enough :smiley:

Hi folks. I used to play a troll hunter named Razabajin. I don’t play WoW much any more, but I’ll likely be back to mess around on the Classic RP server :slight_smile:


Fhaiza from the Erinyes Sisterhood… I was… so very small…


I remember you! I believe I casually raided with you at some point.
Dalamaar: Troll Mage.
Avicia: Undead priest.

Dalamaar -Troll mage. Guild
Avicia - Undead priest.
Ozzriel- Orc hunter
You could usually find me defending crossroads.

Ul - Troll Priest
Da Doctas, Dreadforge Pact, Eternal Sorrow

I’m going to be playing on Mankrik (US East Normal) with Paracelsus (Undead Warlock, Dreadforge Pact & Kaos Knights) as a shaman healer/warrior tank duo. If you are interested in running some dungeons with us as we level up, feel free to shoot me a message.

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Drakious, Taurnen Warrior

Raided with Brood of Reckoning starting in Molten Core.
Would love to reconnect with folks!

<— This lovely lady.

Same name, same guild for forever. :wink:

Also, Kickfeather - Tauren Warrior - who did a short stint with Da Doctas before joining her sister and friends in Ishnu Por Ah.

Looking to reconnect with anyone who remembers this old Earthmother fanatic.

Ishne’alo Por Ah, my Brethren!


Enigmatyco of Eternal Sorrow

Looking for Hus, Femur, Gruke, Caylin, and any of the old crew.


I was also in Desperate and Unforgiven! Posting from my original character name Kanestarwind

• Moiralynn, Forsaken Mage
• Perfect Circle
• Zulis, Szacca, Caverzhul, and anyone else

Aiaria - Forsaken Rogue (though she exists as this Gnome, currently)

The Erinyes Sisterhood
Sin After Sin

I definitely remember some of you quite well!
Kaylix!, Fhaiza (the craziest of trolls!), Rajam, Vidya (I do miss that yellow and black tabard - good times!)

I will definitely be playing “Classic” as Horde!


I remember Witehorn! I was Wakishaki from Dreadforged Pact. We’d do BG’s non-stop.

DFP represent! KK represent!

I’m surprised a lot of folks aren’t going to be rolling on RP-PvP Grobb server.

Hurgroda, originally of the Descending Spirits that later became the Winds of Azeroth, checking in! I’m excited to see so many familiar names and can’t wait to reconnect. Winds guide you back!


Dreadbull, Draegoth, Taeldar. Hounds Of Oblivion Guild.