Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

Hey guys my name was Zercool nightelf druid i was tanking when druids were not tanks well not that many actually there was a druid in CCRA was my mentor wish i could remember his name was really good druid :)) i think i was even 10th tank in CCRA on patchwork lol great guys…
i ended up moving to proudmoore server looking for more action been playing pretty much the whole time :slight_smile: with many toons im still playing with Tharcon the Nelf rogue if some of you remember him. o and shout out to the crew over in DisturbedOnes miss you guys

will be hitting classic see you around i hope :slight_smile:

and ill be playing on myzrael for classic it were few my friend and guild is headed and saved my same name :)) but got zerocool this time hehe

Just popping in to see if any old Bloody Sin members are lurking around that i may remember. Hope to see you all on classic!

I was a dwarf warrior named Shibby in vanilla, and came back in BC as a Draenei Shaman named Shib (Or Shibasaurus forget which he was at the time.) I don’t really remember the guild since my time was short, but I def remember a guy named Carbie who was amazing, and Kaidoh.(?) Raided with my sister Bec in whatever guild she had going at that time

Hello to all of Soul Reck, Ergo and FoE


I was never in these guilds but I remember seeing the brand names and gear sitting on you guys in IF. I remember helping Heaven & Earth here and there during the lead up to the AQ40 gong ringing. Just good to see the names here!


Seeing HnE memebers is what caused me to want to start raiding , taking part in their Kazzak and Green Dragon raids they would put together on server were the best.

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It was similar for me. Status symbols that are challenging to obtain, but you just wanted them so much. I don’t think I’ll be able to commit to the same level of raiding/pvp, but maybe I can taste a little bit of it again.

Remember how expensive and time consuming it was to make an Arcanite Reaper? But once you have it…


I remember spending my downtime from raiding/pvp just out mining and smelting all the stuff people needed.

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I had so many alts on CC and I lost all their names when I left sometime during Cata. I can’t even remember all the guilds I was in between BC and Cata. I’ll just stick with Vanilla and my two mains.

Vanima, Human Warrior, The Tenth Legion
Shea, Human Mage, The Tenth Legion

I also played a NE druid in the Tenth but I can’t remember her name. My tanking days started in BC so anyone who remembers me would more likely be from PvE, RP, and/or PvP. I tended to be pretty helpful, always down to run lowbies through DM. I did some MTing, mostly Karazhan through to SSC. Loved farming but sucked at AHing, so guildies always benefited.

Not sure if anyone I played with will be back but I’d love to make some new connections on Classic. My play hours will be pretty crazy though as I’ve since relocated from the East Coast to Ireland.

I was pretty young at the time, but I played

Feorise - Night Elf - Druid

The one guild name I really remember enjoying my time with was “Evidence”, but I remember a few individuals’ names as well. Robyns (human paladin), Vanderschmoot (night elf druid), and Chao…something (night elf hunter with a white tiger pet named Chaocat). I remember spending a lot of time being level 25-45, especially in Duskwood, STV, and WSG.

I’ll be on Bloodsail Buccaneers as Astra for sure, and probably something Hordeside on Grobbulus.

Please yell if you happen to remember me on Falconfury on Wyrmrest Accord!

Matok dwarf warrior with Wintercrown Tribunal mainly pvped , did a lot of raiding too with multiple guilds

going to the rp-pvp server

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Going Bloodsail. Hopefully see you guys there

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I remember you from the Stonemasons during BC! I healed you through many raids on my shaman.

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Heya, old leader of Dragon Templar here! Lyris, night elf rogue. I say Hi to all Royal Guard Regiment fellows who I raided with near the end of Vanilla, their “fearless leader”, and all the rogues I was buttkicking to show how to play dagger rogue :stuck_out_tongue: Lyris is now blood elf and still kicking, but for Classic, warrior pvp.
Ciao bye!

Laurie?!? Do you remember Kraf at all? I swear I recognize your name.

I’m not sure if I know you, but I also played with someone named Robyns! Still in touch with her!

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Amandal! There are a few of us that still keep in touch on FB - Geng, Tadia, number of others. Good to see ya mate!

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I was the enchance shaman Myssiis in Stonemasons before moving onto Outlandish Fortune in BC

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Oh my god, seriously? … would it be weird to have you ask if she remembers me?

Oh my goodness… seeing these names really brings back the feels. I was excited for classic when they announced it, but now I am really stoked.

I played in Soul Reckoning for about two years before I stopped playing the game due to joining the military. I would really like to see the following players… even just to say “Hi” and catch up. Gosh, has it really been 15 years?

Drailog, Qwaleen, Kyleigh (pew pew pew!), Gaius, Jard, Calmomorte, Tyrilian, Forbidden/Seth, Decar/Maxim, Farthallas, Ashlen, Davies, Kalden, Kaie, Kelwood, Celarius, Moonwyn, Lerrielin, Anywynn, Sparkx, Jsak, Athrix, Revan, Hazzam, Harphlem, Merylin, Angk, Everblades, Smooty, Cordrenn, Cappro.

It would really, really make my day to “meet” these players again. I hope you are all doing stupendously.

I will be rolling on Pagle… I’d love to see you all there.