Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

<blows dust off staplegun, coughs, hands staplegun to Ehlina>
Here you go. Got us through a few dungeons back in the day. :smiley:


Hi, K!
Hey, Beebs!
Happy to see y’all!
We’re pondering the RP vs. RP-PvP question. >.>
Decisions, decisions…

Name / Class: Magicio, Human Mage (Frost is cool)
Guild: originally Æternus Tutela which morphed into Ævolution
Friends: So many. I recognize a few who have already posted: Skularis, Gerissar, Jeth.


Now there’s a name I’ve not seen in a long time. How are and Bunny doing?

The good old staple gun! Ah the memories. :slight_smile:

No idea why that switched to my priest.

Doing well! 12 Years Married, and going strong. The kids we had while playing are going to be playing with us this time around!


Hey this is Hargivas, a friend of Voshdov and Kyrisha who used to run Project Voodoo. We are planning on putting either PV or our other guild Soul Reckoning back together for Classic. We’ll keep in touch once the server list comes up.


Anyone who used to be in Hope or Mother Approved?

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Your druid’s name certainly sounds familiar; I think we may have raided together at some point in vanilla? I definitely remember raiding with folks from LO. I would’ve been in Azurio’s guild around that time.

I will be rolling on Ateish , we should make a raid group of us old CCers and recruit people who didn’t get to play then and provide a fun off time from the main game.


We totally should. I’m Eastern, but that didn’t stop me from playing on CC for years. I’ll reserve my names on Ateish today and we can link up in game some time after launch. Pool our resources to start a guild?


does anyone remember the “ladies only” guild? i ran some bg’s with em a bunch even though i was a filthy man:) they were an awesome group but im terrible with names, so i neither remember the guild nor specific ppl. just that it was a ladies only guild

Will the Sisters be reforming?

Yotingo here. I was…Yotingo, Furen, and a gaggle of horribly dramatic night elves on Alliance. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m here for curiosity’s sake, but if Crestaen, Vortigen (sp?? Druid of the Fang!), or some of ye older folks from Ishnu Por Ah or AAMS wander in…HAIII!

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Oh hai thar! I’m still kinda-sorta around! I don’t play often but once in a while I hop on and farm some transmog stuff or just hang about reading RP profiles on WRA (Wyrmrest Accord server). The forums double-posted this for some reason hence the above deleted comment.

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Anyone from Soul Reckoning or Project Voodoo: Voshdov and I are going to establish on Grobbulus-PVPRP. Hope to see everyone there especially Nienn, Kyrisha, Kyleigh, Denim, Ardy, Gaius, and everyone else who made Vanilla epic!

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Hello WoW family! I was initially in Soul Reckoning as Phoebelis until it disbanded then went to Ævolution (with a brief raiding stint on another server) but I am back to stay. I still play casually on my holy paladin Cassey and my hunter Phoebelis is my main alt. I don’t plan on playing classic but you never know. Wow…15 years.


I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus, but I’ve still had an active subscription and I’m around on CC now and again. I’ll likely poke around classic for a bit on Atiesh with some friends but unsure if I want to relive the pain that was vanilla.

Aaaaaah, an WRA traitor! :grin: It’s good to see you still around! I’ve still been bopping around on CC/SOE, raiding and RPing.

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